“Which makes this all so much more fucked up. I miss her so much, man,” Tom says as he plays with the condensation on his beer.

“Yeah, me too.”

I look up to land my eyes on Lynn, getting impatient for her return. I spot her over at the bar. Some French guy’s all up in her face.

I stand immediately. I don’t even think twice before I’m crossing the room. I nearly snarl when Cody stands in my way.

“They’re fans. Do you really want to ruin her moment?” he says.

“When did I ask you a damn thing?”

“Look, I get you’re not a fan of mine, but think about it. This is going to be her life. We all know she’s going to make it big. You storm over there now, it’s gonna blow up in your face.”

“Billings, I don’t remember asking you for advice. What I am telling you is to get the hell out of my way. Now,” I snarl.

He holds his hands up and sighs. “Fine, I tried. Someone’s gonna need to figure out how to reel you in since Pook is gone,” he mutters the last part to himself as he mopes away.

I narrow my eyes at him and nearly take a swing. However, Lynn is more important. I need to make sure she’s safe.

Ignoring Cody, I head toward the bar where Lynn is. One of the guys now has his arm draped over her shoulders while the other holds up a camera, taking a picture.

I step right between the camera guy and Lynn and the other asshole who’s touching what doesn’t belong to him. I wrap my arm around Lynn’s waist to pull her up from the stools she’s on and tug her into my body.

“Let’s go,” I murmur while glaring at the sleezy-looking guys.

I don’t like the vibe I’m getting from either of them. I’m almost tempted to break the camera. When one of them says something in Italian to the other, I turn and do just that.

Like I told Lynn, my French might be trash, but my Italian is as good as my English. These two assholes aren’t fans. They’re scouting for young women.

“Trev,” Lynn gasps and grabs my arm before I can swing.

One of the guys shoves her in the process and I see red. I black out. When I come to, Cody, Tom, and Roger are all holding me, nearly dragging my ass out of the bar.

I look around wildly for Lynn. I don’t see her right away and that causes me to fight them all off me. Looking through the glass of the bar, I can see the two guys rolling on the floor, trying to get back to their feet.

Sobbing catches my attention. I turn left and see Lynn surrounded by Maggie and Elise as she cradles her guitar against her chest. My heart sinks immediately.

“Fuck,” I bite out and shove them off me, holding my hands up in surrender.

I didn’t mean to lose my temper like that. The thought of those two having a picture of Lynn and trying to track her down during this trip made me see red. Then when that asshole shoved her, I snapped.

I pull a hand down my face and take a calming breath. Part of me wants to go back in there to finish the job. Another part of me needs to make sure Lynn is okay.

I move to Lynn and pull her into my arms. She comes to me, but she’s stiff as a board. I rub a hand up and down her back and kiss the top of her head.

“Are you okay?” I murmur into her hair.

“I just want to go to my room,” she sniffles.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“I’m going to head back with Maggie and Elise. I’ll see you later,” she says as she pulls from my embrace.

“Lynn,” I say in warning.

“Give me space, Trev.Please.”

“Not when those guys were sizing you up to snatch you. Who knows if it’s just the two of them? I promised your mama and daddy I wouldn’t allow you out of my sight.”