“What is it?” I ask.

He shakes his head and kisses me. I’m breathless when he pulls away. Placing a tender kiss on my forehead, he then places his hand in mine and leads me to sit on one of the benches.


“You always smell so good,”I murmur into Lynn’s neck as she sits on my lap.

“Ah, young lovers. This will be nice. I will create a wonderful memory for you,” the artist says from behind his easel. “I am Philippe. Make yourselves comfortable.Oui?”

“It’s nice to meet you, Philippe,” Lynn says with that sweet voice of hers.

We’re atPlace du Tertre, the Artist Square, after walking around to see all the artwork and the different styles of art. We decided to start with sitting for this artist here to have a portrait done of the two of us. His work is in the caricature style.

“Have you two been together long?”

“Not really. I’ve known him all my life, but the relationship is new.”

“Ah, yes. It is always the ones right under your nose who are yourpour toujours.How do I say this in English?Oui, Oui.Your forever.”

Lynn releases a laugh as if she couldn’t possibly be my forever. I noticed the look on her face earlier when Maggie mentioned us being in love with each other. She looked like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar—telling me this isn’t a one-sided relationship.

I wanted to tell her then and there that my feelings had grown way deeper. I’m completely in love with Lynn. I love everything about her.

Her voice, her face, the taste of her lips, I even love her tiny little snores at night. I’ve found myself sitting up watching her in her sleep. I can see myself doing so forever.

“How do the families feel about our budding love? There is support?”

“He was my sister’s best friend. She sort of pushed us together. We’re hoping our parents feel the same way.”

“Lover, I want to hear from you. How do you feel aboutta petite dame?”

Lynn turns to look at me with that brilliant smile on her face. I give her a smile back as I search her gaze with mine. It didn’t feel right to tell her for the first time in front of our friends. I know I’m not going to say it for the first time in front of this stranger.

“She’s always had a place in my heart. I don’t think there will be a day where that changes,” I reply.

I note the disappointment on Lynn’s face. However, when I tell her I love her for the first time, I want it to be special. In fact, I have something planned just for that moment.

“Paris has a way of enhancing the magic ofamour. Trust me, you will be forever changed after spending time here with your love. Can I share something with you?”

“Sure,” I say.

“I can see the aura of your love. It is a strong one. It will only grow with time. Until you becomeinseparable.Trust the process. Trust each other to guide the way and you will find your path to the heart each time. You have it.”

“Have what?” Lynn and I ask in unison.

“La flamme de l’amour.The flame of love. It’s the fire that burns in the soul. When ignited, it is a force all its own. It will burn through any challenge. You watch and see.”

“That sounds like something Brooke would say,” Lynn says.

“It does.”

“She sounds like a wise woman.”

“She was,” we say.

We all fall silent. I tighten my hold on Lynn as I get lost in thought. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about my talk with my daddy. I’m going to have to come clean with Mr. Galveston.

I’m no fool. That talk is going to come with a whole lot of drama. However, I’m willing to go through anything for this woman.