Our Montmartre


A week later…

It’s beena week since we’ve been in Paris and each day has been magical. I’ve written a few songs and I’m not crying as much. At least not when anyone is around.

Since Trevor has been sleeping in my room with me every night, I cry in the shower before pulling myself together to start the day. Each morning, I find myself crying less.

I think of something funny Brooke would say or something I would do to annoy her, then I find the strength to get on with my day. However, it’s moments like this. When I know we’re doing something she would love, I feel this pang in my heart and wish I could see her smile.

“We have to take a picture here. Pook would have loved this,” I gush as we stand before theI love you wall.

This little park is so sweet. My sister made it a point to note to stop here on the way up the hill toSacré-Cœur. It’s one of three stops we will make in honor of Brooke today.

Tom, Maggie, and Elise have come along with us. I believe there has been some friction among the girls over the last few days. I noticed a few of the girls acting strange toward me after the rooftop party.

“Tom, come take this photo for us,” Trevor says as he pulls me into his arms.

Tom comes and gets the camera from Trev’s hand as we stand before the wall. Elise stands with her own camera and takes a couple of shots while Maggie looks on with a huge smile on her face. I believe Elise and Maggie were my sister’s closest female friends. Although everyone loved Brooke.

“This is so much sweeter in real life. I’m glad I came along with you guys. Brooke would have loved this,” Maggie says.

“I know, right?” Elise adds. “I’m not even going to complain about all the walking.”

“I’ll do that for you. The walking is insane,” Tom groans.

“There’s like two or three hundred stairs up to the dome. Are we skipping those?” Elise asks with hope in her voice.

“Lord, I hope so,” Tom mutters.

“I didn’t see going to the dome in the journal. She mentioned a walk uprue La Vieuvilleto have ice cream and through the Artist Square to get some art and wanting to seeSquare Marcel. I guess we’ll play it by ear once we get up there.”

“You two lovebirds have at it. I’m not doing it. I came for a vacation. Not this type of workout.”

“Tom, why don’t you hush on up. I told you there would be plenty of walking today,” Trevor grumbles.

“Man, this is still better than hanging with the others. The indecision and bickering were too much for me.” Tom shrugs.

“Yeah, Brooke wouldn’t have wanted any of that. It’s making me sad. I came to live this out for her, not argue every day,” Elise says.

“I came to find a French lover to sweep me off my feet,” Maggie says dreamily. “Pook was going to lead me right to him. May she rest in peace. God rest her soul. Now, I’ll forever be stuck in Texas with no hope. I miss my girl.”

“We all do,” Trev says.

“Yeah, but you’re living out what she wanted for you. Pook knew you two were in love with each other. All she wanted was for her sister and her best friend to admit their feelings and— Ow, what the heck was that for?” Maggie pouts at Elise.

“Bless your heart. You still can’t read a room,” Elise replies.

I can’t help laughing at them. I peek up at Trev and he’s staring at me with his brows knit. There’s something in his eyes I’m not sure I’m reading right.

I’ve been falling deeper for Trevor with each day. He’s slept in my bed every night since we’ve been here and all he’s done is hold me. I know he wouldn’t mind if we did more; that’s evident each morning.

However, he’s been a perfect gentleman. I still have moments when I get sad that my sister isn’t here and he’s right there to comfort me. Yes, I was in love with Trevor before, but I’min lovein love now.

I wonder if that’s what this look is about. Does he have those kinds of feelings for me? Should we even be allowing these feelings to grow? He’s returning to college and I’m heading to begin my music career in New York or Nashville.