“I sure do. The kissing coins. God, she drove you crazy, but she got her coins.”

“I still have a few of those,” he says and digs them out from his pocket.

I tear up as he hands me a few. I look down into my palm and squint at the embossing on them. It’s the year they graduated and their high school mascot, along with the wordskissing coins.

“I figure we could toss a few in,” he whispers, nodding his head toward the canal.

I nod in agreement. I like that idea. I close my eyes and say a prayer for my sister, then toss the coins into the canal. Trevor looks around us, then kisses his hand before he tosses his in.

“For Pook,” he says as they make a little splash.

“Want to get some ice cream and head over to the park? I think I’ve had enough of the water for now.”

“Sure, we can do whatever you want, darlin’.”

I want to kiss him. He looks so handsome in the light-blue T-shirt he has on. It’s bringing out the light blue in his eyes, making the dark blue around the edges stand out.

He didn’t wear his Stetson today, which has left his handsome face on display. His blond locks are sporting their natural curl pattern.

He tilts his head as he looks me over. “What’s that look about?” he asks with a smile on his lips.

“You’re gorgeous,” I breathe.

“That’s funny. I was thinking the same thing about you. Come on, we can find a nice spot. Then you can stare at me all you want.”

“Oh hush,” I say and toss my napkin at him.

He stands and tugs me up. Then he picks up my bag and leads me to the ice cream shop we noticed earlier. Without me having to ask, he orders my favorite. Soon, we’re in the park, sitting on the blanket I brought along in my bag as Brooke’s journal instructed.

“Want some?” I ask as I find Trevor watching me eat my ice cream, his own seemingly forgotten.

He reaches for my hand and brings it to his mouth. I gasp when he licks the ice cream from my skin as it drips over my hand. He doesn’t take his eyes away from mine as he does so.

I have to stifle a moan. I lean into him unconsciously. He releases my hand and cups the side of my face as he takes my lips in a searing kiss. I feel this one in my toes.

My heart begins to race and my skin hums from his touch. I’m ready to melt right along with this ice cream. I don’t like chocolate ice cream, but the flavor on his tongue bursts in my mouth and causes me to whimper.

“You keep kissing me like that, I might start to think you like me, Trevor Monroe.”

“If you’re not sure about how I feel about you, I must be doing this wrong,” he says against my lips before taking them again.

He sure is doing this right. I’m starting to feel a pulse between my legs and butterflies have taken over my belly. I’ve never felt anything like this.

When he begins to pull away, I follow him, not wanting the kiss to end. He chuckles and kisses the tip of my nose. I pout as he pulls away out of my reach.

“Finish your ice cream, darlin’. There’s plenty of time for kissing later.”

I’m tempted to toss the ice cream aside. I crave his lips on mine. I love the way he claims me with his kisses. They are so addictive.

I finish the ice cream so fast that if it weren’t melting and already warm, I might have given myself brain freeze. When I’m done, I stare at Trevor as he rests back on his palms and holds his face up toward the sky.

His muscles are stretching the sleeves of his T-shirt. His strong thighs are pushing against the light blue jeans he has on. I smile as I note he’s taken his shoes off and he’s now barefoot.

My mind goes to my sister. I bet she’d be here just like this. Barefoot and basking in the sun. My heart warms. It really is like she’s with us.

I turn my attention back to Trev to tell him just that but stop in my tracks as he runs a hand through his hair before placing the hand over his heart. Such a simple gesture, I know, but it calls for my attention. He looks so relaxed.

I get an idea and move swiftly to bunch up my skirt and straddle his lap. He opens his eyes with a look of surprise on his face. I cup his strong jaw between my hands and press my lips to his.