“What the fuck is his problem?” I growl.

“I mean, you guys haven’t said you’re official. I think he has a thing for her. The way you were sneaking kisses, I don’t think he saw and caught on.”

“Fine, I’ll have to make things clear.”

“What are you guys up to today? You going to ditch us again?”

“We’re not trying to ditch you guys. We just want to make sure we cover Pook’s list.”

“I get it. How did that work out?”

“It felt good. Kind of like a healing process. I think it’s good for us both.”

“Cool, cool.”

“I’m going to hit the shower. I believe we’re going toCanal Saint-Martin. First to ride the ferry, then a picnic.”

My mind goes to what we can leave behind in memory of Brooke. I have these coins from high school. I think those would be perfect.

“Oh, great, I think some of the bars the guys have been talking about are down that way.”

I groan. I’m not really in the mood to hang around in some bar. Lynn is old enough to drink here, but I don’t know how her parents would feel about that. I already feel guilty about not telling her daddy she’s my girl.

“I think I have a compromise for us all. I have to check on something. I’ll text you later and we’ll meet up with you guys like yesterday.”

“Gotcha. You look happy. I’m glad things worked out.”

I pull a hand down my face. I am happy. I’ve thought of Brooke a lot. All of that still stings, but I’m glad we’re here and I’m happy Lynn came with us.

“Yeah, I am too.”


Live the Dream


I haven’t beenable to stop smiling. This day has been great. Riding up the canal on the ferry was a beautiful experience. We’ve taken so many pictures and I’ve been able to write down a few lyrics as I’ve been inspired.

While under the tunnel part of the canal, Trevor kissed me senseless the entire time. I was a little disappointed when we returned to the light of day. However, he’s been more affectionate today.

I touch my kiss-swollen lips and smile as we sit by the canal. Trevor has purchased lunch for us to eat while we sit on the side of the canal and people-watch.

“This is good,” he says as we stuff our faces.

“Yeah, I wasn’t expecting much, but this is delicious. Pook did her research.”

Trevor nods and wipes his mouth. “I was thinking. Do you remember that kissing booth?”

“Y’all’s senior year?”

“Yeah, when Pook talked me into building and running that thing with her,” he says and rolls his eyes.

I start to laugh. I remember it all right. They argued about it for months. We all knew, in the end, he would do whatever she wanted, but he griped about it anyway.

“I remember,” I say through my laughter.

“Remember those coins she had to have?”