
Trevor fellasleep in my bed last night after we hung out with our group. We were talking and reminiscing before he was supposed to return to his room for the night. However, he passed out and I didn’t have the heart to wake him.

Instead, I sat watching him sleep. He’s so handsome. As I watched him, a tune started to play in my head. The colors and the notes began, then the music filled my heart.

I fell asleep for a little while, but when the colors and notes returned with the music as I woke, I had to get the song down. Now I’m strumming my guitar as quietly as I can as I softly sing the lyrics dancing in my heart.

I’ve lost my way and don’t know how to return to where the happiness lives.

But when I look into your eyes, butterflies fly, and my hope starts to lift.

Then you spoke the words that made me want to take that leap to breathe again.

Lead the way, darlin’. I’m right here with you, you say.

Should I dare to breathe….

Promise you won’t leave…

Quickly, I jot the lyrics down, then I start to hum as I close my eyes and sway. The bed shifts beside me. I open my eyes to find Trevor looking up at me. I freeze, placing my hand over the strings.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

He inhales sharply as his blue eyes focus and light up. His blond hair has fallen into his face. I smile as he grins and pushes it back.

“Don’t stop. You sound great. Is it a new song?”

“Yeah, I’m trying some things out. It’s still really raw.”

“Will you sing it for me?”

My cheeks heat. I’ve sung in front of him millions of times, but this feels so intimate. He’s lying here in my bed. He’s my boyfriend now, not just a friend.

He gives me the cutest pout and puppy eyes. I can’t help laughing. I brush my braids back and nod.

“Okay, it’s not finished, but I’ll sing it for you.”

I take a deep breath and begin to play and sing. I run through the first verse and go into the chorus, tweaking as I go. I like this version better than the last few I’ve sung. It feels right as I look into his eyes.

My phone rings right as I get to the end of the chorus. Trevor sits up and kisses my forehead before giving me a wink. He then stands from the bed and ducks into the bathroom.

I shake my head as he disappears behind the door. Falling back against the bed, I squeal into my hands as reality hits. I’m on vacation in Paris with my boyfriend, Trevor Monroe.

Why is that just setting in? I pull it together and grab my phone to answer it. Seeing it’s my mama, I smile wider.

“Hey, Mama,” I sing into the phone.

“Hey, baby. How are you? Is everything working out okay?”

“I’m good. It’s been going well. We’ve been to a few locations on Pook’s list so far. Everything is so gorgeous,” I gush.

“Your father just asked if you’ve been writing?”

“Yes, ma’am. I started writing something this morning.”

“That’s great. They’re so excited to hear what you’ve got in New York. I know you’re going to blow them away.”

“Has Daddy heard anything from Nashville? I’m excited about New York, but Nashville would be more my speed.”