Maybe I’ll follow her to New York for a bit. I wouldn’t mind working construction there. All those skyscrapers. There’s a ton I could learn.

“What are you thinking?”

Lynn snaps a picture of me as I stare up at the art and sculptures on the ceilings. I look down at her as she smiles back at me. She takes my breath away.

I just want to drag her into one of these corners and kiss her until her lips are swollen and she’s breathless. Instead, I wrap my arms around her and tug her close.

“This place is amazing. The details, the sheer beauty. The structure in and of itself is the perfect stage for the artwork. I can only wish to someday be a part of creating something like this.”

“I can’t wait to see it,” she says.

“I’d be honored to have you with me at the ribbon cutting. Maybe you’ll sing your biggest hit at the time for the people.”


She runs her hands up my back. I squeeze my arms around her and dip my head to kiss her lips, not able to hold back. When I break the kiss, she looks up at me with a dreamy look on her face.

A sigh leaves her lips as she glances around. “I can see why she wanted to come here. It’s breathtaking.”

“That it is. Ready to find the Mona Lisa?”

“Sure, that’s the last stop on our list. We’ve ticked off everything else.”

Her stomach growls. My own is ready to begin to protest. It’s definitely time to find something to eat. We’ve been here for about two hours.


“I didn’t thinkit would be so small,” I whisper as people take pictures all around us.

“Words no man wants to hear,” Trevor mutters.

I snicker and shake my head. The painting of the Mona Lisa seems so tiny in this room. Not what I was expecting at all.

Trevor turns me and pulls me into his side. I smile as a lady aims Trev’s camera at us. The woman snaps the photo.

I expect him to take the camera back, but he reaches for my chin instead and lifts my head so he can plant a kiss on my lips. The woman snaps another as she coos at us.

“You’re such a gorgeous couple.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” Trevor says as he retrieves his camera.

His phone pings in his pocket, causing him to knit his brows. He pulls his phone out and reads the text that’s come in. With a smile, he lifts his gaze to mine.

“Looks like we’re in trouble. The group has been looking for us. They want to hang out in one of the rooms tonight. Should I ignore them?”

I laugh. “I don’t know. Do you think we’re being rude? Should we maybe hang for a little while?”

“I don’t want to share you, but we could hang for a bit if you want.”

My stomach fills with butterflies. Paris would be such a romantic place to lose my virginity. However, I’m nervous as heck. I know Trevor is more experienced than I am.

I can’t help wondering if it’s crossed his mind. Maybe it’s best to rejoin the group. This is still new. I need more time to think.

“Darlin’, we have all summer to be alone. Let’s go get something to eat and then we’ll join the group,” Trevor says as my mind spirals out.


Good Morning