I snort and laugh. “I thought you took French with Pook. I said, hold on, my friend.”

“I did take French. I’m a bit rusty. I took more to learning Italian though.”

“That makes sense. Your daddy gets all those gorgeous exotic horses from those Italians.”

Trevor looks down at me and smiles. “That he does. Still haven’t found one perfect for you though,” he croons.

“I still have hope. Your daddy and mine promised they’d find my perfect horse one of these days. The girl with a hundred horses but not one that owns her heart. Sad, right?”

“If they don’t, I’ll make sure you get one.”

“You? Horses aren’t your thing. You’re not going to work the ranch, are you? No NFL, no ranch, then what’s the plan, Mr. Monroe?”

“You’re going to laugh if I tell you.”

“I will not. Come on, what’s that mind been dreaming up?”

“I want to go into construction. I’ve taken a few construction management and construction technology classes and it felt right. My business degree will come in handy.

“I like to work with my hands. I’ve been fixing things around the ranch for years. I think I can make something of it.”

“I think you can do anything you put your mind to, Trevor Monroe.”

“You know, I never really thought about what I’ll do until now. I only knew what I didn’t want to do. Saying it out loud makes a whole lot of sense now that I’m hearing it.

“I appreciate the beauty that can come from using my hands and mind to build something. Thinking about it excites me.”

“Then you’re going to love this place. Come on, Brooke gave us a better way to get in and cut this crazy line.”

“Lead the way, darlin’. I’m right here with you.”

I gasp and rush to place Brooke’s journal back in my bag and pull my songbook out. Without thinking, I stick my tongue outthe side of my mouth as I jot down a few lyrics to work on later. These are the first real lyrics I’ve written and felt since…

I force myself not to go there and stay in the moment. No tears. I’ve had to chant those words a lot since we stepped off the plane.

Trevor tugs me into his side as I place the notebook back in my bag. I look up at him. He leans in to peck my lips. My heart skips a beat with the gesture.

“I’m proud of you, darlin’. I knew this place would bring the music back.”

“I don’t know if it’s the place. It might just be the man.”

He winks at me. “I’ll take that. As long as you always have a song in your heart for me.”

“I do believe I was born with a song in my heart for you, Trev. I’ve been singing it for years; you just weren’t listening.”

“Oh, I’ve been listening, darlin’. I just couldn’t do a darn thing about it until now.”

My hands itch to take my notebook back out, but I bank his words for later. I don’t think I’ll be forgetting them anytime soon. With that thought, I walk with him down the stairs to the Louvre with a big, goofy grin on my lips.


I can just imagineBrooke’s face if she were here. There’s so much to see, but the architectural design is what’s calling tome. I didn’t tell Lynn, but I already changed my major three semesters ago.

However, I hadn’t honestly thought of going into construction until she asked me what I planned to do. Daddy has been talking about me someday taking over the ranch after my career in football.

I hate that I’m going to disappoint him twice over. None of that feels right to me. However, I want to raise a family and work hard at something I love to get up and do every day.

Looking around at all these intricate details tells me what road I’m leaning most toward and as I look into Lynn’s gorgeous face, I know who I want to do it with.