The Eiffel Tower lights up the sky from this breathtaking view. A smile comes to my face as Trevor drapes his denim jacket over me. I look up over my shoulder at him.

He’s looking down at me intently. I wish I knew what he was thinking. He’s fallen quiet a few times today.

“What’s on your mind, handsome?”

“This place reminds me of her. As much as it hurts, as weird as it may sound, I can’t think of her as anything less than victorious.”

I frown. “What do you mean? What makes you say that?”

“Did you see the name of this monument was oncePlace de l'Étoile? If I’m translating right that means Star’s Plaza? Brooke was a star in her own right.

“Darlin’, this place is a monument to honor those who fought and died for France during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. Those names are the names of all the French victories and generals. There’s even a vault beneath. Under it lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I.

“It sounds morbid, but I could see that being Brooke in another life. The one who doesn’t get the credit by name for all her sacrifices. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched yoursister do things for people and never say a word just because it was the right thing to do.

“They call this a symbol of victory and sacrifice. Pook was always the first to sacrifice for those she loved. Everything she did was out of love and to make others happy. In that was her own sense of victory.

“Your sister taught me I want to be a better man. I want to be the one to make those sacrifices for the greater good, to make those around me happy.

“I don’t know if I’m explaining myself right. I know how my mama and daddy raised me, but Pook made me want to apply those lessons,” he says.

“I think I understand. She was the first to want to make it right. If someone does you wrong, you do better,” I murmur the words my sister used to say.

“Exactly. Standing up here, it’s all sinking in.”

“I guess you have a point. We could both stand to work on our tempers,” I say with a chuckle.

“Darlin’, those pretty lips haven’t told a lie.”

“What did she used to call us?”

“Wild hearts.”

I laugh. “You two and those wild hearts are going to get y’all in a world of trouble someday.”

“Old hotheads,” he mocks as he finishes the words Brooke used to chide us with as we would fuss with each other.

“Now look at us. Who would have thought?”

I smile up at him as he holds me in his embrace. Under the stars and surrounded by all the lights, I feel like I’ve stepped into the pages of a love story. Trevor dips his head and takes my lips in a deep kiss.

The pain in my feet and the exhaustion in my body are all forgotten. In this moment, I allow him to teleport me to a timewhere life is fair and perfect. Everything is right in the world. When he kisses me, I can almost forget how broken I feel.


Louvre & Friends


My sister was sodetailed in her journal. Where to go. When to go, and how to navigate. I almost feel like she’s here with us. I can hear her excitement in my head.

It’s a new day and there’s an adventure awaiting us, all courtesy of Brooke. Trevor groans beside me, grabbing my attention as I look through Brooke’s journal. I look up to see the line to the Louvre and immediately understand what must be going on in his head.

“Darlin’, I don’t know about standing in that line. Maybe we should come back another day. I’m still jet-lagged. What else is on the list?”

“Attends mon ami.”

“Come again.”