“We’re just… it’s complicated. Always has been.”

“Wait, this sounds a lot deeper than what you’re letting on.” He takes another pause while tapping his phone against his chin, staring off into space. A moment later, his fingers are flying across the device in his hands. “Okay, I just had Elise clear your schedule. Now you and I are going to have a long chat. I want details.”

I don’t have the words to speak just yet; the pain is still rolling through me. I’m crumbling from the inside out. I haven’t spoken of this topic in years. I only allow myself to go there for the music.

Breathe, Cakes. Just breathe.


Not Letting Go


Trevor hasanother think coming if he thinks this is over. I’m in this for the long haul, honey. That was the plan from the moment I laid eyes on him.

He didn’t see it coming then; he doesn’t see it now. I put in too much hard work to let it all fall apart now. I owe twenty-year-old debts from securing my husband.

I’m nobody’s fool. That’s exactly why I had my lawyer set up these mandatory group sessions for Trevor. I plan to get my husband back. Or at least I’m not giving up without a fight.

I’d say I got the short end of the stick. Brad’s the one with the real money. Too bad he’s ten years younger than me. That bitch he married doesn’t deserve him. She reminds me of the bitch who ruined my family.

Brad will learn like Daddy did. Those black bitches are good for nothing. In the end, he came running back to Mama.

Too bad she didn’t learn her lesson. He knocked her up with Collen, my little brother and left her again. Leaving her with a baby as she wasted away. She died with nothing.

Nope, Mama had nothing, and his Black bitch wife had it all. I was smart though. I saw Trevor and made sure I’d always have no matter what I had to do. I did him a favor if you ask me.

I won’t end up like Mama. Waiting and wasting away for a man who doesn’t show up until there’s no time left. I deserve better and no one is going to get in the middle of that.

I narrow my eyes and slide farther down in my seat. I’m in the Mercedes I bought with Trevor’s money before he tried to cut me off. I don’t want him to see me.

I want to make sure he’s going to these group sessions with my own two eyes. I’ve talked to that quack doctor who runs them on the phone a few times. I didn’t know she was Black until this morning.

Well, there’s nothing I can do about that now. My lawyer said she’s the best and has helped a number of his clients reconcile. I highly doubt that, but I plan to find out.

I told him I’d double his hourly rate if he got Trevor into this group. I smile to myself. I’ve been stashing money away for years.

Besides, the blow job I gave my dear esquire didn’t hurt any. I have Bernstein wrapped around my little finger. I’ll get whatever I want from my legal representation.

He should’ve thought about his actions first. I’ll end him with the click of that same little finger. It would be a shame for his wife and the rest of his firm to get a hold of that video.

I’ve always used my talents to get what I want. Right now, I want my husband back. I always get what I want.


“Look at him,” I murmur to myself as Trevor hops his almost six-five frame out of his pickup truck.

I lick my lips. Trevor’s body was made for sin. He may not have his brother’s money, but neither brother got cheated on looks or those chiseled bodies.

Where Brad’s body says NFL football star. Trevor’s hard body screams hardworking man. All man. Lord, honey, Texas makes its boys right.

Trevor’s sexy, tapered and trimmed beard and mustache gives him a sensual, debonair, ruggedness. It’s delicious against his sun-kissed tan. Working construction all these years has kept that body in top condition.

Whew, and the dimples. The dimples are a family trait that’s jaw-dropping when they turn those smiles on you. Or should I say panty-melting?

It has been far too long since I took that long cock of his for a ride. His jeans are hugging that firm ass just right. The crisp white button-down fits his muscled arms and chest perfectly.

Um, he’s brooding today. His brooding days are when you’re most likely to catch him in a Stetson, like the gray one he has on now. His golden locks are just long enough to brush his shoulders in the back and his jawline in the front.