“Finally, you understand. Now that’s the man who I know you are. You and I will talk some more, but Darla is right.

“You need to talk to Cakes. No use in having my blessing if she doesn’t want to talk to you,” Moses says, finally giving me a genuine smile.

“Thank you, sir,” I mutter and tug my phone from my pocket.

I call Lynn’s phone and it goes straight to voice mail. Closing my eyes, I groan and palm my face. I need to talk to her. She can’t leave like this again.

“You might still be able to catch the plane before they close the door and take off,” Moses says, staring down at his watch. “Want me to take you?”

“No, sir. I have my truck outside. Nanna, I’ll take a rain check. I was looking forward to dinner and your pies,” I say as I put my phone away and turn to dash for the door.

“You’re family. My door is always open to you Monroes. Be careful, honey. Drive safely.”


Blink of an Eye


As we siton the jet, waiting for takeoff, I press my fingers to my temples and rub. The jet is stunning and full of Luxury. The gold embroideredMs on the seats makes me wonder who Cody’s boss really is.

Whoever this guy is, he’s from money. This isn’t just some rented jet. Cody has stepped into a bright future. I’m proud of him.

“Are you okay? Do you need anything?” Cody asks from across the plane where he’s sitting with Elise.

“I’m fine.”

“You sure?” Elise says with concern in her voice.

“Um, I don’t think so. Can I be honest with you guys?”

“Sure, I’m here to listen whenever you need,” Cody says.

“You already know the deal with me. What’s going on, honey?” Elise says.

I blow out a breath. My stomach begins to twist in knots. I look down into my lap as if I’ll find clarity there.

“I don’t know if this is the right thing. What if all the waiting was a sign? What if I’ve been making mistakes one after the other and this is where I belong?”

What if I’m failing Pook?

That’s the one question I’m unable to voice. A series of events all started after Brooke’s death. I can’t help wondering if I’m missing all the signs leading me to the best version of my life.

“Is this about Monroe?” Cody asks.

“No. Well, yeah, sort of. I feel like I’m standing at this crossroads, and what I do today will shape our lives together. I left him to face my daddy on his own. That could mean the end of us forever,” I say softly.

“Or you can be off to become a famous singer and your ex-boyfriend already ruined things by not answering your calls. Don’t get me wrong, I love you guys together, but so much has happened. Maybe leaving is for the best.”

I rub my chest. Her words make sense to my head, but my heart aches. Something isn’t right. I just can’t put my finger on it.

“I guess you’re right,” I murmur.

“Or… you can step off the plane and turn your phone back on. Give him one more call. We’ll wait.”

“Really, Cody? I don’t want to be a burden or cause trouble with your boss.”

“He’s cool. He’s big on family and you’re mine. So he’ll be happy to help out.”