
I wasn’t goingto come to Agatha’s for dinner. I’ve thought about it over and over and almost didn’t. However, I won’t be able to rest if I don’t get some closure.

“Hey there, handsome,” Nanna croons as I step into her kitchen.

This may be a different house, but her warmth still permeates the place. It still has the welcoming vibes I’ve become accustomed to since I was a boy.

Although, when she looks into my eyes and cups my cheeks, I almost feel ashamed. She gives me a sad look. Instantly, I know Lynn isn’t here.

“She’s not here, is she?” I murmur.

Nanna shakes her head. “No, she had to head back. The label needed her to return. They’re ready to work on her album.”

I drop my gaze to the floor and nod. I feel the bile rise in my throat. I’ll never know why she chose Billings over me.

“I’m happy for her. First, an engagement, then her music dreams take off. She deserves to be happy.”

“You proposed?” Darla, Lynn’s mom, gasps as she steps into the kitchen. Moses is right behind her, glaring at me.

“No, ma’am. Well, not this time. I’m talking about Billings,” I murmur.

Moses folds his arms across his chest. “You talking about Cody?” he snorts. “That boy ain’t engaged to my baby. Why on earth would you think that?”

I shrug. “I saw them at dinner the other night. It looked like he gave her a ring.”

Darla and Agatha burst into laughter. Moses shakes his head and gives an actual smile. I look at them all in confusion.

“What am I missing?”

“Boy, I never thought I’d say this to you, but you’re an idiot. Cakes has never looked at Cody Billings as more than a friend. That much even I can see. Now you… you, I might have to bury in an unmarked grave to keep that girl away from you,” Moses says and shakes his head.

“You’re the reason she’s been walking around with a long face. I thought it was about the music, but she still looked crestfallen once the call came.”

“Trev, she’s getting on a private jet right now with Cody to go back to New York. You should call her to clear things up. I promise you, you didn’t see what you think you did,” Darla says gently.

I turn to look Moses in his eyes. He only glares back at me. Clenching my fists at my sides, I make my decision and go with it.

“Mr. Galveston, sir. You’ve been like family to me all my life. I’ve looked up to you. Protected your daughters like they were my own sisters.

“Like my own daddy, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. The night Pook… that night. Cakes was with me.

“Pook was going to talk to you about us. She knew I had feelings for Cakes and Cakes had feelings for me. We were at the cabin eating our cupcakes like we always do.

“I hadn’t touched her. We kissed for the first time that day. That’s it. Still, when I saw your hurt and anger, I took that on me.

“I didn’t want you angry with Cakes. You all had enough on your shoulders. If I could take the burden for y’all, it was the least I could do.”

“Trevor,” Darla says with a shaky voice.

“Hold on, ma’am. This is what I should have done before taking Cakes to Paris. I love your daughter.

“I hadn’t intended for all the lies. I didn’t take her to Paris to take advantage. I genuinely thought it would help her heal. And it did.

“Falling deeper in love with her, that just happened. Sir, your girls have been two of the most important people in my life. Most days, I’m lost without Pook, and now, without Cakes, I’m plain devastated.

“My food don’t taste right. I haven’t won a game this season that hasn’t felt like some hollow feat. I sit in class staring into space, not hearing a word my professors say. It’s a wonder I’m passing.

“I say all this to say. I know I messed up. Lynn and I made a lot of mistakes, but I would really love your blessing to date your daughter in hopes that the next time I ask her to marry me, she says yes,” I finish, feeling my face flame.