“Ha,” I scoff, rolling the bitter taste in my mouth. “It’s too late, Monroe. I’ve invested too much time in you. This isn’t over.”

I go to crumble up the note and toss it in the trash. Then I think better of it. This might come in handy. I tear the letter from the pad and tuck it away in my purse.

Then I retrieve my phone to call in a favor. I’m not a fan of my dad’s, but his country-ass family has come in handy. I spotted Corinne’s potential usefulness early on.

“Hey. How did it go?” she says as soon as she answers the call.

“Not at all as planned. Did you get it? Can we move to planB?”

“Oh, I got it. Like taking candy from a baby, but Donna. That girl I told you about from Paris?”

“The best friend’s sister. What about her?”

“I don’t think they broke up. If they didn’t, you can forget about Trev. It’s not going to happen.”

“You let me worry about that. Besides”—I grin into the phone—“kids change everything. You just do what I asked and I’ll handle all the rest.”

“Okay, I just wanted to give you a heads-up. How soon can you get here? We can’t wait too long.”

“I’m on my way,” I hang up and head for the bathroom for a quick shower.

I hold my head high. I always get what I want. From that summer when I first met Trevor and saw him in action, I knew he was what I wanted. No matter what I had to do.

“The dealer still has cards, baby. We’re not over until I say we are,” I purr to myself as I step into the hot shower.

I will not be denied or tossed aside. I want a wealthy husband and I’d prefer for him to be breathing and able to get it up when I say I do. Not some old perv who smells of Bengay.

“Donna Alice Monroe. I love the sound of that,” I squeal.


You’re Wrong


As I siton my bed in my room, I blink back the tears as I stare down at my phone. Trevor hasn’t answered one of my calls. It’s been two days since he called me. I’ve tried him each day since.

It feels like the last five months all over again. Elise has been trying to cheer me up. She and Maggie gave me a makeover and we did a little photo shoot.

Then we recorded me playing a new song. All of which Elise posted to my Myspace account, saying the new look was perfect for the song and showed the world the direction I should go in. All of that helped to keep me from obsessing over Trev and why he hasn’t answered my calls or tried to call me back.

My phone rings and my heart fills with hope. However, as I see the number on the screen, I know it’s not Trev. It’s a New York number.

When I left New York, my career was more up in the air than it’s ever been. No one has any answers for me and I’m starting tofeel like this will be over before it so much as begins. My heart sinks and I answer the phone in a melancholy mood.


“Is this Lynn Galveston?”

“Yes, this is she. How can I help you?”

“This is Amanda. Marv asked me to give you a call. Can you hold the line for him?”

“Sure. Of course.”

“Just a moment. He’ll be right with you,” Amanda says.

I hold for the record exec who signed me. Marv is in his mid to late thirties. He has a welcoming smile and a pleasant, calming voice.