“He’s right, Trev. I’ll buy the first round,” Cliff says.

I grunt and make my way into the bar. A group of our old high school friends releases a cheer from the back corner. I head over in that direction with a scowl on my face.


I knowI’ve had way too much to drink. I can’t get the image of Billings with Lynn out of my head. After my first few drinks, I went from wondering what I did wrong to trying to drown my thoughts completely.

Maybe I’ve been going about this all wrong. If I stay single and focus on football, I can play for ten years and start my construction company after that. The more I mull the thought over, the more it sounds right.

“Why do I even bother coming out?” Cliff slurs beside me.

“Because you need to be around people. You can’t tuck yourself away. You still have so much to do,” Roger says to him.

I grunt in agreement. I’m happy to have someone here to tell him what I’ve been telling him for months. Cliff has been spiraling out since his daddy died.

“That’s not true. I died the night she did. I have nothing left.”

“Look who just walked in,” Blaine croons.

I turn my head lazily. A groan leaves me as I see Corinne walk in with Donna. Turning back to my drink, I toss it back.

I should toss some money down and leave now, but I’m not drunk enough and Tom is my ride. Instead of leaving, I head to the bar for another beer and two shots of whiskey.

Once I have my drinks, I head off to the other side of the bar to be alone with my thoughts. I don’t miss that Corinne has sidled up next to Cliff. I blink and shake my head.

I should get up and go save my cousin, I should, but I can’t. Those last two shots may have done the job I was looking for. The pain isn’t searing as much.

I’m starting to feel numb. I prefer it this way. I asked Lynn to marry me and she said no.

Billings asks her and she gives him a yes? What the fuck? Am I not good enough for her?

I begin to mutter to myself as I sit in the booth alone. For a while, I think I’m going to be left to rant and sulk to myself. However, as I should’ve known, Donna slinks her ass right over and slides into the booth beside me.

“Hey, Trev,” she purrs.


“What are you doing over here all by yourself?”

“Need some space to process,” I mutter.

“Need a listening ear?”

I’m almost tempted to take her up on that offer, but it doesn’t feel right talking to her about Lynn. I laugh drunkenly as I think about how Lynn wouldn’t like Donna. I could see Lynn losing her temper with her real quick.

“Nope. I’m good. I don’t want to talk about it.”

She places her hand on my thigh, close enough to brush my cock. I look at her and lift a brow. A voice in the back of my head warns me to run. This is how she always gets me.

However, some guy drops to one knee across the bar and proposes to his girlfriend. I see red all over again. I stand, pushing Donna to get up.

She stands with a bewildered look on her face. I grab her by the elbow and lead her toward the exit. She stumbles along beside me, but I’m too angry to care or slow down.

“Where are you staying?” I bite out.

“I have a room at the…”

I tune out, not listening to a word she says once I realize she’s staying in a hotel. That’s perfect. I can fuck this bitter feeling away and forget all about Lynn, as she forgot about me.