I smile as the thought crosses my mind. Turning to go find Lynn with my phone still pressed to my ear, I shake my head as I realize I haven’t stopped grinning since our kiss.

“Thanks, Trev. I can always count on you.”

“I’m always here for you. You know that.”

“Yeah, I do. That’s why I’m gonna ask you to be my best man if she says yes.”

“When she says yes.”

“Yeah, when. You’re right. I got to go. Daddy is waving for my attention.”

“All right. Talk to you later.”





“I couldn’t believeit when Brooke said you were considering quitting football,” I say before gulping down the last of my Frappuccino.

“It’s not the same anymore,” he murmurs against my neck.

His stubble tickles my skin and I grin. This has been the best day ever. We took off for my family’s old cabin by the lake for some privacy. We’ve been munching on cupcakes while in our own world.

If you ask me, Trev didn’t want me around the other guys while I was in this bikini. As soon as we surfaced from the lake, he wrapped me in his shirt he had tossed and kept me at his side, only leaving me to take a call and grab the cooler from his truck.

“You love football,” I say thoughtfully.

He lifts his fingertips to my temple and trails my hairline. I shiver beneath his whisper-soft touch, causing a smile to tug at his lips. I had thought we were coming here to make out.

However, this has been anything but a make-out session. There have only been the soft brushes of his lips to my shoulder or a few stolen kisses here and there. I narrow my eyes as his thoughts play on his face.

Silently, I give him time to find his words while I stare at his handsome features. Tugging his shirt, which I still have on, up my bare shoulder, I then turn my face into the collar to inhale.

The scent of his cologne fills my nostrils. It engulfs me in all things Trevor. He always smells so good. He catches me and his blues light with amusement. That gorgeous smile of his turns up a notch.

“I did love it. I mean, I still do,” he says. “But I don’t know if I’m cut out to put my heart in it. Daddy would go wild if I played professionally, but that’s not me. I can see it for Brad.

“He’s only ten, but he has it, he’ll go the distance. I won’t. One more year and I’m done.”

“I can absolutely see Brad in the NFL. Does he still sleep with his football?” I laugh.

“Yeah, he does. I love that kid,” he says, his eyes going distant for a moment. “That’s the thing. I’m missing my family. This is only college. What if I enter the league?” He shakes his head.

He puckers his lips for a minute in thought, then continues. “The twins are growing up without me. They were seven when I went away for college. I thought I needed to get away. Now, I regret it. Sometimes, I feel like I’m a horrible big brother.”

“Lies, Trevor Monroe. You’re the best big brother there is.” My Texas twang rings in my own ears.

Trevor reaches out to push his shirt back down my shoulder. He leans in to kiss the patch of skin he just exposed. I feel the blush in my cheeks. I drop my head when he lifts his to look me in the eyes again.

I turn my gaze to the tray before me for a distraction. I look longingly at the last cupcake. Trevor picks it up while chuckling.He peels the paper back and places the deliciousness to my lips. I beam at him before I open up to take a bite, moaning around the gooey morsel.

These cupcakes are our favorite. I came up with the recipe by accident. The salted caramel and truffle icing makes your mouth sing. The smooth yellow cake with truffle bites is the perfect pairing for the moist treat.

“I’m hoping you don’t still see me like a big brother. That might be a little awkward.”