“The cafe on Elm Street. Their sourdough pancakes are so good I cried.”

He laughed. “Okay, see you there.” They said goodbye, and he fell back into the pillows dismayed at how little time he had left to sleep.

And then he couldn’t fall asleep. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. About the witty things she’d said. About the way that she looked at him, like she was really trying to see him. About the way her lips had felt on his. He opened one eye and peered at Sundance, who was staring at him. “What do you think, bud? Want to move to Nebraska?” He punched his pillow into shape and then closed both eyes again and sighed. Nebraska didn’t have much forest.

Chapter 42

Wynona beat Tuckerto the restaurant and requested a table by the window. She hoped he didn’t mind, but she enjoyed the view. She stared out the window wondering why she was so nervous. She hadn’t been nervous when she’d been chatting with the guy via a dating app, and she hadn’t been nervous when she’d been traipsing around the woods chasing toads either. But this was different. This was sitting across the table from him on purpose, choosing to spend time with him, and she felt a lot of pressure.

Nevertheless, she was thrilled when she saw him pull into the lot. Though she was certain that she would have noticed if he’d had a vanity plate, she checked one more time to make sure. Nope, he didn’t. What a relief.

When he got out of the truck, she nearly fell off her chair. All this time he’d been wearing a ball cap, but now he was wearing a cowboy hat, and it was almost more than she could bear.

When he walked into the restaurant in dark blue jeans and cowboy boots, she felt lightheaded.

He smiled. “Good morning,” he said in a perfectly delicious, gravelly voice. He sounded exhausted, but he looked magnificent. He sat in the chair opposite her. He took off his hat and placed it crown down on the placemat beside him.

“So, how did it go?” she asked.

He exhaled slowly, leaned his elbows on the table, and looked at her. She was impressed with how comfortable he seemed. “I’ll be honest. You were more fun.”

She laughed. “I doubt that. If I recall, we had some hard moments.”

He shook his head, looking thoughtful. “I’m sure this new team are good people but, I didn’t really enjoy being bossed around by them.”

“Oh no. I’m sorry.”

He waved away her concerns. “It’s fine. It was just very different without you there. I even missed Martin.”

“Martin turned out to be a good addition to the team,” she said.

“Much better than Craig.” He said his name as if it tasted bad in his mouth.

“Did I tell you that Craig got fired?”

Tucker shook his head. “I wouldn’t have wished it on him, but I’m not surprised.”