“I’m sure he’s got pictures of wildlife,” Gunner said. “Use one of those.”
“Okay.” Kash started swiping through the photos. “Goat, goat, goat, goat ...” He looked up. “Why does Tucker have so many goat pictures?”
“He’s helping me sell some,” Gunner said.
“Let’s not use a goat pic,” Denver said quickly. “I’m not sure that will attract someone.” He glanced at Gunner. “No offense.”
“I won’t tell General Lee,” Gunner said, referencing his favorite goat.
Kash rolled his eyes. “Here’s a picture of a buffalo.” He looked up. “Will that work?”
“Sure.” Denver looked over his shoulder. “Better than a goat.”
“Okay.” He started to type in Tucker’s name.
“Don’t use his real name,” Denver said.
“Why not?”
“Because he’s got a successful business,” Colton said. “We don’t want somebody going out with him just because she thinks he has money.”
“Right,” Adeline said. “That’s what I did with Colton.”
Everyone laughed except for Kash. He was too busy trying to think of a hilarious pseudonym for Tucker.
“That is also a good reason,” Denver said, “but I was thinking of the fact that he’s Jack Black’s brother.”
Kash rolled his eyes again, but Denver was right. Tucker would lose his mind if someone dated him just to get close to his famous actor brother. Kash had seen at least three people ask Denver for an autograph at this wedding alone. “Good point.” He looked at Denver. “What is the most obnoxious name ever given to a male baby?” He had a feeling Denver would know the answer to this.
Denver did not disappoint. Without hesitation, he said, “Wolfgang.” Then he looked around. “No offense to any Wolfgangs.”
Kash laughed and typed it in. Then he made up a quick, cheesy bio. “Okay. Now let’s see some of these outdoorsy women.” A little scared about what he might find, he started swiping. “Oh wow, I guess it’s common for nature nuts not to use a profile picture?”
“Really?” Denver said. “On a dating app? That’s pretty weird.”
“It’s a weird dating app,” Kash said. Then he laughed. “This one used a picture of a wolf.” He looked up at Denver. “I think that’s got to be sign, right? Good old Wolfgang would definitely go for a woman with a wolf avatar.”
Denver nodded eagerly.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Colton tried again.
“Don’t worry,” Gunner said. “When it all blows up, we all blame Kash.”
Kash smiled and hit the little bow and arrow icon that indicated that Wolfgang was interested in the woman named May.