“I’m sure it is,” Colton said.

Kash reached across the table and slid it his way while scanning the crowd for Tucker’s return. “We’re going to have to work fast.” He stared down at the lock screen. “What’s Tucker’s birthday again?”

Gunner rattled it off quickly. Kash typed it in, but it didn’t work.

He cussed, and Bella elbowed him. “Watch your mouth.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Bella didn’t know that he found her scolding so adorable that it made it harder for him to stop cussing. He glanced at his daughter, but she was so busy picking the peas out of the macaroni salad that she hadn’t heard her father cuss. Kash looked at Gunner. “Any other ideas?”

Gunner shook his head.

“How many digits is it?” Denver asked.

“It doesn’t say.”

“Try the West Hope zip code,” Colton said.

Kash did. “Nope.”

“Maybe this is a sign from God,” Colton said. “That we’re not supposed to be doing whatever it is you plan to do.”

“Nonsense,” Kash said. If anything, God would be in favor of his plan. He was sure of it.

“Does he have a favorite Bible verse?” Bella asked.

“He does.” Gunner scrunched up his face. “Somewhere in Job 12, I think.”

Adeline let out a dainty gasp. “Tucker’s favorite Bible verse is fromJob?”

“Trust me,” Colton said. “It fits.”

“Try it.” Denver looked over his shoulder. “Quickly.”

Kash looked up at him. “You want me to type in every verse one at a time? We’ll get locked out.”

“I highly doubt it’s a three-digit code, so start with verse 10,” Denver said.

This was stupid. “Does Job Chapter 12 even have ten verses?”

“Maybe someone should look up Job 12.” Bella whipped out her phone. Then she started to read aloud.

“Ten!” Denver cried triumphantly after she’d read it. “I told you! It’s 1210!”

“Calm down. You’re acting like you wrote the Bible.” Certain that he was about to waste a guess, Kash typed in the numbers, and the phone sprang to life. He gave Denver a warning look. “Lucky guess. It’s probably Tucker’s high school locker combination.”

Colton laughed, which made Kash feel good. “Okay, now why have we broken into his phone?” Colton asked.

Kash leaned back in his chair. “Because we’re going to download Date Out.”

“What’s Date Out?” Bella asked with attitude.

He didn’t look up. “My dear, if I didn’t know better, I would think you were being a smidge critical.”

“What’s Date Out?” Denver asked, tapping on his own phone. Then he answered his own question. “It’s a dating app for people who love the outdoors.” He looked up at Kash. “Why do you know about it?”

Bella elbowed him again. “Yeah, why do you know about it?”

He laughed. “I saw a commercial. Gunner watches some crazy goat farm in Wyoming on YouTube, and they have this commercial all the time. Anyway, why doesn’t Tucker have a single picture of himself stored on his phone?”