“Sorry. Right. I just meant that you’re right. Sorry.” How many times could he say he was sorry before she let him off the hook?

She turned in a huff and walked away. Where was she going?

Martin gave him a sympathetic look.

“Wow,” Tucker said. “I have never in my life seen anyone so excited about poop.”

“Wait till you have kids. The first time my daughter pooped in the potty, my wife opened a bottle of champagne.”

“You have kids?” Tucker said in astonishment. The guy didn’t look a day over eighteen.

“I do. Two of them. Best thing ever.”

“Wow,” Tucker said because he didn’t know what else to say. “Good for you.”

He watched Wynona stomp around in circles for a few minutes. Then she turned and looked at them. “Fine. If it’s not safe for him to walk out on his own, we can go out together.” She looked at Martin. “And then I can take it to the lab.”

Martin shook his head. “Please, let me. I want to feel useful.”

She looked relieved. “Okay. Straight there, though.”

He bit back a laugh and nodded. “Yes, boss.”

She bent to her pack and started digging.

“What do you need?” Martin asked as he stepped closer.

Tucker was still afraid to step closer.

“The sat phone,” Wynona said without looking up. “It’s time to wake up the director.”

Tucker bit his tongue. Okay, so maybe it was toad scat. But there was probably a lot of toad scat in this forest. What made her think it waswestern Blaketoad scat?

Wishful thinking, probably. He silently prayed that it was what she hoped it was. He didn’t want her to be disappointed.

Chapter 25