What did that mean? “Is she not your type?”
He didn’t answer for a while, and she worried that she’d made it weird. She was thinking about how to make it less weird when he answered, “I’m not sure that I have a type.”
Interesting. Everyone had a type, though she’d heard plenty of stories about women finding true love far outside of what they thought their type was.
“Do you have a type?” he wrote.
This was a slippery slope, maybe even be more dangerous than the mountainside scree she’d been sliding around on a few hours before.
If she said that she had a type, then the next logical question would be, “What is it?” and she wasn’t sure she wanted to be asked that. Her answer might drive him away. She had no idea what type he was. What if she said that she wantedtall, dark, and handsome, but he was stubby, chubby, and perfect? She didn’t want to miss out on perfect.
“I’m not sure I have a type either,” she said, even though this wasn’t entirely true. Her type was the tough blue-collar outdoorsman who was also a secret genius. He also had to be funny and super kind, like stop-to-rescue-a-turtle-from-the-road kind. And that’s why she was still single. Her standards weren’t highat all.
“So why is she annoying?” she wrote.
“She’s kind of cocky. A know it all. I know she’s smart, but she acts like I’m stupid.”
Ouch. That would be awful.
“She’s also very attractive, so that might be part of her cockiness.”
Wynona scowled. Why was he telling her how attractive his coworker was? Was he trying to get a rise out of her?Fine, two can play this game. “I am also working with a very attractive obnoxious person right now.”
He sent a laughing face. Interesting. That seemed a little out of character.
“Though I shouldn’t be too hard on him because he was nice to me last night.” In fact, he’d been much more than nice, and though she hated playing the damsel in distress role, it was kind of sweet that he hadn’t let her fall off the mountain.
“So if you don’t have a type, what are you looking for in a romantic partner?” he wrote.
His questions startled her. “Did your brother steal your phone again?”
He sent another laughing emoji.Extrainteresting.
“No, I’m just so tired that my inhibitions are malfunctioning.”
It was her turn to laugh. She thought about it. What was she looking for?Keep it simple, her intuition whispered. “Well, I guess above all I’m looking for someone who believes what I believe, that God is real, that God is good, and that he loves us.”
“Sounds like you’re casting a pretty broad net.”
“Hang on, I wasn’t finished yet LOL.” She tried to think of what else she could add without accidentally disqualifying him. “So he would have to be kind and smart.” She knew that Wolfgang was both of these things, so she was safe.
“Would you like me to take an IQ test?” he wrote, and she laughed as she snuggled under her blankets. Forget sleep. This was way better.