“Let me see if I can pull some strings,” she said.

“About the fire permit?”

She nodded. She wasn’t ready to give up on that.

He shook his head again. “There are no strings to pull. And even if you could, I don’t think we should. Those woods are thick. I’m not sure it’s worth the risk. None of us are going to freeze to death unless we do somethingreallystupid.”

She really didn’t like him. She excused herself and stepped out into the hallway to call Sarah about a fire permit. She believed in Tucker’s expertise, but she still thought they could find a clearing big enough to build a small fire, even in the Black Hills.

“I’ll look into it,” Sarah said in a tone that left Wynona wondering if she would.

Tucker came out of the conference room and gave her a wary look.

She looked at her watch. “Meet back here in two hours? We can head south then.” She still needed to buy a light.

He nodded. “See you then.”

She watched him go. He was a good-looking man. Too bad he was such a grump. She texted her team the new plan, told them to dress warmly, and then did a search for the closest hardware store. It wasn’t close, so she got moving.

Chapter 11

When Tucker pulledinto the hotel parking lot, he almost laughed. This was her team? Oh boy. One of them looked like a computer repair guy, no offense to computer repair guys. He also looked angry. The other guy looked eager as a beaver. He also looked like he was about twelve years old. He was nearly seven feet tall and as thin as a fishing rod. But at least he would be able to make good time with those long legs. Unless he collapsed from lack of energy because he was nothing but skin and bones. Wynona wasn’t scowling as bad as the computer man, but she was scowling. He got out of the truck.

“You brought your dog?” she said.

“I did.”

“Is he going to stay in the truck?”


“We never discussed a dog. He might scare off the toads.”

“He’s a well-trained pointer. He’s not going to scare off anything.”

She glared at the dog, which made him hate her.