“You’re planning on setting up a giant light in the forest?” he asked.

“I don’t know about giant, but yes. Attract the bugs, attract the toad.”

“That’s actually pretty smart.” He sounded loathe to admit it, and she bit back a smile. He was a bit grumpy, but he was nothing like the other jerks she’d talked to that morning. “Why me?” he said.

She explained her connection to Holden and how he had recommended him.

“Remind me to thank Holden for that.”

She couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic.

“Do you know where you want to start?”

“I don’t. The hiker who photographed the toad isn’t sure where she was when she saw it. I’m going to call her and ask her if she can narrow it down.”

There was a long pause. “Did she take more than one picture while she was hiking?”

“I believe so.”

“Can you get the other photos?”

She didn’t want to ask, but she had to know. “Why do you want them?”

“So I can try to figure out where she was,” he said, as if she were stupid.

And then she felt stupid. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Send them to me as soon as you get them,” he ordered.

She didn’t like being bossed around, but she didn’t say so. She didn’t want to tick this guy off, not when he still had a chance to back out.

Plus, she had a hiker to call.

Chapter 9

Monday afternoon foundTucker in his garage inventorying his supplies. A man who never had trouble focusing on a task at hand was having trouble focusing. His mind kept drifting to May.