Chapter 6

Wynona stared downat her phone. Oops—she’d sort of chatted her way into a corner. She wanted to get to know this guy, but she didn’t want to give away too much information while doing it. Yes, of course she had family who would go to church with her, but not in Nebraska, which is where she normally went to church. But chatting with this South Dakota man while she lived in Nebraska felt too much like a bait and switch, so she didn’t want to admit that she didn’t live anywhere near him. “It’s complicated,” she finally wrote, feeling lame.

“I totally get that,” he answered quickly. “My family is a mess. My parents are gone, and my brothers and I fight constantly.”

“No cousins?” she wrote.

“Not that we’re close to. My dad was a jerk, pushed extended family away. None of them ever came back.”

“That’s too bad. I love my extended family,” she wrote. “My cousins are my best friends. They seem to get me better than other people.” Maybe that was because they were Lakota, but she didn’t say that.

“That sounds nice,” he said, and she almost laughed. The poor guy wasn’t big on adjectives, was he?

“It is,” she wrote. “So, let’s ask the most important question of all: How do you feel about Taylor Swift?”

She watched the empty chat box with bated breath. When the message finally popped up, it was most disappointing. “Is that a joke?”

“Not a joke. You can tell a lot about a person from how they answer that question.”

“It’s a trick,” he answered quickly. “I don’t know how you want me to answer it. Plus, I’m a grown man. If I tell you that I love Taylor Swift, isn’t that a bit emasculating?”

Wow, what an overwhelming text. First, she was impressed at his use of the word emasculating. Second, she was impressed that he was giving the question such deep thought. She’d used this question a lot to filter out undesirable dates, and no one had been quite so engaged. “Not a trick,” she wrote. “And don’t worry about what I want you to say. Just be honest, please.”

After a delay, he wrote, “Okay, fine. I admire her business acumen, I think she’s a genius, and I like some of her songs. But if you ever tell my brothers, I will never speak to you again.”

She laughed so hard she shook her bed. Wow, he had passed with flying colors. She couldn’t wait to meet this guy in real life. She started fantasizing about their first date being a Taylor Swift concert.

“Okay, here’s an easier one: How do you feel about vanity plates?”

“You are one interesting woman,” he wrote back.

She laughed again. “Don’t dodge the question.”

“Why do you ask?”

“You’re still dodging. But I ask because it’s a fun question. Again, not a trick.”

“I feel like I’m at the world’s weirdest job interview. Anyway, I don’t think I have an opinion on vanity plates.”

Oh, what a diplomat.