“She said that she wanted to marry me. That you guys had some pact where you would swap places to see if the guys you’re with love you.”

She starts to sob, and then heads to the bathroom.

“Leticia, sorry. I should have spoken to you about it,” I shout after her, regretting telling her what Belén said, and regretting even more not talking to Leticia about it.

She comes back from the bathroom wearing a robe, with her eyes bloodshot.

“I’ve been here before with Belén. I can’t have you working with her and being with me. It can’t be that way.”

“Don’t worry about that. I wrote an email to HR and sacked her.”

She nods her head as she sits on the edge of the bed. I sit up, because I can see she has some things on her mind.

“You see, after I found out that you were marrying Belén and not me, I started seeing this guy, Alberto. He lived across the street and I knew he had a crush on me since forever.”

She closes her eyes and then gets up from the bed and walks in the direction of the window. The blinds are down, but she opens them. No one can see inside, the only view is that of the stadium.

“Belén said that if I continued to see him and my parents found out, they would disown me. Is Alberto really worth it?”

“So you loved this Alberto and wanted to marry him?”

“No. I’d been told that I was marrying you. It’d been that way for years, and I was upset to find out that it would be Belén instead of me. Yet, it was as if you didn’t care. The time we’d spent together meant nothing. So, when Alberto asked me out, I said yes. We’d decided that after we finished high school that we would be married and go live in Sevilla.”

“Why there of all places?”

Not that there’s anything wrong with Sevilla, but it just seems a little weird to move from a big city like Madrid to a smaller one.

“His abuelo has a hotel there, and the idea was that he would get his high school diploma and take over the business, so he can retire. I’d seen photos and it looked beautiful.”

“So you were going to throw your life away for a place that you’d seen photos of?”

This wasn’t the part that really upset me, but the idea of her running off with some guy the minute she felt rejected by me. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. I thought like me, she was just doing what her family wished and there was nothing really between us. The idea of her living with this Alberto upsets me, even if it didn’t happen.

“No, I was going to paint pictures and spend the rest of my life with the man I loved.”

I don’t like the way that she keeps saying love and Alberto in the same sentence.

I grab some pants, because I thought she came here for me, but it seems that she came to say goodbye.

“So, you get on a plane to tell me about you and Alberto after we make love?”

“No. I hop on a plane to be with you and to explain that as much as Belén is my sister, clearly she has a different agenda. She told you that we swapped for a game when she told me that she couldn’t give you kids.”

“What about what I fucking want?”

“Diego, do you not want me? Because I sure as hell am in love with you.”

I blink, wondering if I heard her right.

“It’s a big thing for me to tell you that I can’t have my sister in my life. Especially when I try and encourage you to make amends with your brother.”

I shake my head, because one minute we were making waves, and now we’re on the subject of Jorge I feel tense again.

“I don’t want to talk about him.”

“And I don’t want to talk about her.”

I march up to her and open up the robe as she stands by the window.