“I wondered if you came here with Belén.”
I think back to the one time I did come to Tokyo with Belén. That didn’t go down well. I spent most of my time working and socializing, and she did the same. We were in separate rooms, part of our agreement before we got married. I was business focused and wondering about this deal, which I’ve been working on for the last three years. My relationship with her felt as if it was already a done deal, so there was nothing to think about or even anything to work on.
Leticia smiles and says, “Konnichiwa3!” as she greets the server with a friendly hello and bow. I must admit that I’m impressed with her having no accent as she says it. She’s trying hard and I don’t want to intervene, so I take a step back. This is her night, and I want her to use her language skills which she has learned in a short space of time.
The server notices that she’s willing to speak Japanese and responds with a return bow.
“Konnichiwa! Irasshaimase4!”
This is a typical response to hello. Leticia’s eyes glow as the server responds to her. I feel so proud of her, especially after the shit I gave her about her English, which is more than perfect.
“Arigatou gozaimasu5!”
She expresses her gratitude for the warm welcome. Leticia’s eyes widen and she nods at me for approval. I give her a thumbs-up, letting her know that she did more than okay.
The server then gestures to our table. The sushi chefs are in traditional garb, but they have their eyes on the movement within the restaurant and bow as we're escorted to our seats.
Once we arrive at the table, Leticia’s hand traces the pattern on the tablecloth, and she expresses her admiration for it as her eyes widen, whereas I look around to make sure we’re not seated near anyone, as I instructed them.
We are in a corner bench, and there are no onlookers, nor can anyone see us from the entrance. I enjoy privacy whenever I eat and return to any restaurant that respects my wishes.
She smiles, “Sumimasen, menyu o tanonde mo ii desu ka6?”
I’m taken aback that she’s ready to order so soon.
“Do you know what you want?”
She winks. “I’ve spent more time studying sushi menus than I have any other thing. I want your business deal to be perfect, and I don’t want to make any mistakes.”
The server nods and hands her the menu. "Mochiron desu7."
Her eyes glance over the menu, whereas I always study the menu before entering a restaurant. I want to know what I’ll eat before I enter. I hate wasting time going over everything and asking specific questions on an empty stomach when I dine at a restaurant.
“Ladies first.” I smile. As I observe Leticia scrolling the menu quickly and then resting her eyes on something.
“Kore o kudasai8,” she says, pointing to my selection on the menu. The server nods once again, “Kashikomarimashita9,” indicating they've understood her order.
Her face glows as her eyes meet mine, lighting with accomplishment, I sit back and enjoy the ambiance, excitedly anticipating the culinary experience that awaits me in this top Japanese restaurant.
I order wine and my full course. I think Leticia may change her mind and order something else, but she doesn’t. Once I’m done, I dismiss the server, and Leticia has my full attention.
“So, how did I do?” she asks after the server leaves us.
“You did good. I’m not here to judge.”
“But I’m here to impress you.”
She misunderstands me if she thinks the best thing she can do tonight is impress me.
“What about you? Don’t you think or even care about what you have done for yourself? Japanese is such a complex language, and you’re trying to study it.”
She nods in agreement. “For the big business deal in a couple of days. Yes, I want to make sure it all goes through.”
At what cost?
“I’m proud of the way I’m not scared to learn it. Now, don’t ask me to write anything down. That’s a different level, one I’m not even capable of learning. I did try and challenge myself and read something, though.”
“How did you do?” I ask as the server comes back to the table with the wine and our entrées.