The door opened. Styx came in carrying a paper bag.

She stood up. “I need a passport.”

“What?” he asked, putting the food on the dresser.

“A passport,” she said, going over to join him, taking the sandwich and bottle of water when he handed them over. “You’re the kind of guy who can get me something like that, right?”

“In the States I’d need twelve hours,” he said. “Over here…” She wasn’t a fan of that pause. “Might take longer.”

“I thought Olympus had contacts all over the world.”

“Yeah,” he said. “But Olympus contacts are risky if you want me to hand over your picture… Doesn’t matter who they’re allied with. Hades and Zeus know you’re in London. I guarantee any contact with that ability in this particular Olympusphere, will have been put on alert about you.”

Frustration got the better of her. “Everywhere is the goddamn Olympusphere,” she said, slamming the water down.

“Yeah, I guess it is. We use the term loosely. Can mean around the compound or around a safe house. Anywhere around Zeus is the Olympusphere, his sphere anyway. He is the organization.”

He’d said that about Daire.

“But can you do it?”

Styx tipped some water into his mouth then said, “I can sure try.”

“Okay, thank you.” Progress. She needed a backup plan in case Zeus tried to keep her in Europe forever. “Now, why does Zeus need me?”

They had limited time. Anything could change at any moment. Zeus could move them. Daire and Harry could leave the desert. Too many things were unknown. They needed to figure out what they did know…

Apparently, she’d missed something that Zeus needed. Figuring it out could take a miracle.


DAIRE’S NEXT LETTER scared her. His anger. His frustration. She didn’t know what to make of it. Reading the words over and over, she heard them in his voice.

I’d tell you to try that one again, but you’d still get it wrong. My asset? Just stab me in the gut next time. The pain will be less and I won’t have to be this mad.

It’s been two weeks. How the hell long are we going to let this go on? Z strutting around that damn room like he’s the guy in charge? Never pissed me off before. I never questioned the chain of command even when I didn’t agree with what was going on. I couldn’t sleep, I can’t sleep, because I can’t stand that the asshole took you away like that was his right. It’s not his right. And I can’t fucking believe you’re insisting I sit on my hands. I can’t take it. I don’t know what I’ll fucking do. I can’t concentrate. I need to know you’re okay. I need to touch you, to feel you.

You’ll tell me I’m wrong. You always fucking tell me I belong to Olympus. Why doesn’t it feel that way anymore? Why does it feel like the organization that took me in, that was always my home, my purpose, why does it feel like it’s sucking the life out of me? Losing you is like losing air, losing what I need to survive. It’s worse than any sucker punch. Worse than a bullet or a blade.

I’ll do it, okay? I’ll take the punishment, the torture, the beating, whatever it takes. I’d choose to endure anything other than this. Other than being so far from you. I have to be at your six. Want to have your back. If something happens and I’m not there…Fuck, baby, God help the world.

Peace. That’s what you said in the meeting. We need peace before there can be a restoration. How can that happen? How can there be peace when I’m consumed by so much fucking rage?

I’ve never been like this. I can always pull it back. Always redirect or ignore any emotion or reaction. Why can’t I forget that you’re not here? Why does it feel like your fingerprints are tattooed all over me? Like the only thing that matters is grabbing hold of you and keeping you close?

I keep thinking about a line in one of the letters I took from you. You are my meaning and my reason. I get it now. Those words mean something to me. Something so different than they did before.

These meetings. The words spouted by all parties. Once upon a time, they would’ve meant everything to me. Now I can’t concentrate on a syllable. If you’re there on the screen, I can’t think. You’re a drug, LR. My drug.

If you’re not there? Damnit, there’s no better reason to start a war. None.

Even this, it should be a chance to trade information. But I can’t care about that. Baby, give me a signal. Please. I told you I’d never have my Heart beg for anything. But yours will beg for you. Temptress, please.

We found the line. Several of them. Guess your benefactor rigged the place before he left. Smart and stupid because now he has seven guys baying for his blood.

Damn, even that fuck gets to share space with you. I can’t fucking concentrate. Everything comes back to you.

We’re working on putting Gamma on its feet and I’ve ID’d your suite. It’ll get special attention. Extra special. It’s about all I can do for you now.