Discarding the beer, she put her hands on the table to pounce onto her knees, pushing herself closer to him. “And do you see any scenario where I’m just okay with you being in pain? Do you honestly see me standing aside and letting you be hurt, in danger, without fighting until my last breath to be with you?”

He bent the elbow closest to her to descend until their faces almost touched. “What happened to platonic?”

“On pause ‘til after I kiss you,” she said, throwing her arms around his neck and clambering onto the table to yank his mouth to hers.

Lost in their kiss, she pulled herself closer when he picked her up and then they were down, on the floor, right there in the middle of the trailer.

Figuring anything out wasn’t going to be easy when they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. But it wasn’t so bad. She’d tolerate the ache of her ever-present need, the power of her omnipresent desire. Being with him was too much of a gift to ignore.

They’d been taken from each other against their wills. They needed this time to reconnect, to remember their ownership of each other, to brand each other with their combined scents and invisible mark. Daire was with her again; she couldn’t let their precious time together go to waste. Not one single second.


“YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT South America,” Daire said into the night.

Lying in their bed, her head was on his shoulder, his arm curved so he could play with her hair.

Her lips rose. “How did you know that?”

“Because I’m thinking about it,” he said. “I’m happy we didn’t go when we talked about it.”

She moistened her lips and adjusted the angle of her head to bring her face nearer his neck. “You are?”

“I don’t want to lie to you anymore. I didn’t want to lie to you. We could’ve gone and I would’ve been him just to be with you, but… Every day I’d have worried you’d find out the truth. That what we had could be taken away. I prefer this. Everything out in the open.”

Almost everything.

“What do you think is happening right now?” she asked, drawing her fingertips up and down his body. “Back at the house. What do you think happened after we left?”

“I think Harry got back with the guys expecting something had gone down.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Because I told him I saw something. He asked if I needed back-up, I said no. He tried to insist, but I knew I’d be able to handle the amateur.”

“You were so quick. How did you have a whole conversation?”

A sheepish smile colored his tone. “We didn’t talk. We have… code faces.” She smiled, her eyes closing. “Your buddy had already driven up and down our street a dozen times earlier. When he came back, I knew he was planning something while the place was empty… And that the guy was an idiot. Didn’t miss that you were in the front seat either.”

She shifted again. “You saw me?”

“As we were leaving, yeah.”

“I wanted to hit the horn, to get your attention, but the fucker was stronger than me.” His fingers curled around the back of her neck. “Thank you for coming back… For being there when I needed you.”

“I wasn’t there when Three put you on a plane. Do we need to have a conversation about you getting onto planes without me?”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. She planted her hands on his chest to crawl on top of him, tucking her head under his chin. “I won’t ever do that again. In my defense, I didn’t want to go with him. But he promised me Harry knew, and I thought if Harry knew, you did too. Then a former president showed up and… I don’t know.”

“Yeah, I probably should’ve told you that.”

“Probably?” she asked, sliding her hand up to his jaw. “Yeah. That might have been good to know.”

He turned his head to kiss her hand. “You thought he was trying to impress you with his special friends?”

“We said play along. That’s what I did. I played along. I didn’t know we’d leave the country. It didn’t occur to me for a second that we would cross an ocean.”

“It’s okay,” he said, his fingers tangling in her hair. “It was my fault. I’ll do better next time.”