“If he thinks you have the keys, he’ll think you’re on your way to the beta site, which works for us since we’re going the opposite way… Unless he knows Harry stashed the Scepter in Miami, ‘cause from how he’s talked, not even Harry knows you have it. Does he?”

“No one knows about the Scepter or that I know they need my blood,” she said, closing her eyes. “Only you and me.”

“Only you and me,” he said, slipping his hand out of her loose ones. “You feel safe?”

“Mm,” she mumbled, trying her best to show him a smile.

“Just relax. I’ve got you now. I’ve got you, baby.”


HER NEXT AWARENESS was of someone picking her up. Her body burrowed into the support of his.

She exhaled. “Daire?”

“I’ve got you, baby.”

Despite not knowing where they were or where he was taking her, it didn’t occur to her to be on guard. Without objection, she let him carry her through the air and up. The scent of the Beast curled her lips. It only grew when he laid her down in the cradle of a familiar bed. They were home.

“Mm,” she said, trying to reach for his neck without opening her eyes.

“You feel this?” he asked, putting her hands on the bed to slip something short and hard into her palm. He curled her fingers around the cool metal and directed her thumb to the top of the cylinder. “It’s a panic button.” Which implied he was going to leave her alone. Opening her eyes, she tried to sit up, but he caught her shoulders and eased her back down. “I’m gonna be in the store, right outside. I’ll be watching and can be here in less than thirty seconds… and I’ll lock up.”

“Where are we?” she asked, relaxing as he stroked her hair from her face.

“About twelve hours from where we started. I was going to keep driving but need to feed you. You be okay for a minute?” She managed a loose nod as her eyes drifted closed again. “Okay.”

The warmth of his lips on her forehead heated her comfort. He moved through the Beast and closed the door before locking it. The bed was so comfortable. Just being there, in his space, in their space, made everything better.

Although it was tempting to go back to sleep, he’d said something about food. Eating required sitting… at least semi upright. It wasn’t fair for him to do all the driving and about time she learned how to haul the trailer anyway. Maybe they could eat on the road and he could get some sleep too.

Before any of that, she needed a shower. The last wash she’d had was the shower in London. The quickest shower of her life. Keeping the temperature low would help to wake her up anyway. Forcing herself to rise on a groan, her head was still waking up as she got undressed.

Funny that in Zeus’s Vegas suite, she’d woken up in a flash. But there, in a safe place, sluggish was just fine. She turned the water on and hooked the loop of her panic button onto the bud of the clothesline inside the stall. Daire’s shower gel was the only option. She relished bathing in his scent and didn’t mind using his razor either, although it might bother him.

Clean and smooth, she closed her eyes and breathed out. The water cascaded over her. Bringing Daire along was probably a big mistake. The guy was forceful. He knew what he wanted, and it wasn’t easy to change his mind. Not that there had been time for debate.

The door suddenly opened. On a gasp, she turned only to see Daire peeking in at her.

“I’m back.”

“I see that,” she said, narrowing her eyes in a semi-glare. “And trying to give me a heart attack. What happened to platonic?”

When she shut off the water, he opened the door fully and offered her a towel to dry off.

“I forgot.”

The mischief in his tone suggested otherwise, so he got another glare. “You’re incorrigible,” she said, stepping out of the shower, drying her face. Her personal space was his apparently. He stayed to close the shower door. “Now I don’t feel so bad about using your razor.”

“I have others,” he said, easing her wet hair from her temple with his fingertips to then run his digits through it. “I love it when your hair’s wet. I love you’re in our home. Where you belong, baby.”

“You’re not following the rules. Strict rules, remember?” she said, tossing the towel onto her head to dry her hair, forcing his hand out of it. “We’re colleagues.”

Turning her back on him, the clothes she’d taken off were nowhere in sight. To get others, she’d need her bag or the closet behind Daire. Hard to get there with him blocking the passageway.

“Mm hmm,” Daire said from close behind her, real close.

Tipping her chin toward her shoulder, she tried to ignore the tickle crossing her shoulder blades when he got even closer. The whisper of his fingertips skimmed onto her waist. Touch. Her Heart. They were together again.