There was something in his eye, a glint of curiosity, suspicion. She smiled. When he was watching her, she could feel him. Could it be that he felt her eyes even through the camera?

“If they’re reporting back to Zeus, spying for him, then yeah, kill,” Styx said. “I don’t care who he is.”

Daire stepped out of the corner, his astute eyes still scanning the room. Something wasn’t right, he could feel it. For her, in contrast, something was very right. Thrilled to be getting unexpected time with him, every second was precious. A world apart, they were existing in the same minute… he just didn’t know it.

“How do I change the camera?” she asked.

“Touch the arrows left and right.”

Again, he sounded distracted, but she was distracted too and didn’t think much about it. Tracking through the camera feeds, she found Daire striding across the lower floor, then ascending the stairs. He wasn’t wearing anything under those sweats… Damn, what a tease.

“Why isn’t Harry up?”

“He will be,” Styx answered. “He’ll wait for Ares to report to him. There are no cameras in the master.”

Harry had moved back into the master suite? They obviously didn’t expect her back anytime soon.

When the suite was hers, she’d been assured no one would watch her on camera. Now knowing that was true, Daire’s refusal to include her in his security sweep became more frustrating. They could’ve done anything they wanted; no one would’ve known.

On the screen, Daire disappeared into the master to talk to his superior.

“Damnit,” she breathed.

Having him snatched away was frustrating. She shouldn’t be cursing for losing her view, she wasn’t supposed to be thinking of alone time with him. Daire belonged to Olympus, not to her.

Styx came back over. “What is it?”

She turned the screen to him. “He disappeared.”

With a smile, Styx took the device. “We don’t have to supervise. Ares knows what he’s doing. After a feedback flare, he’ll check every corner. If there’s a bug, he’ll find it. Could take all day. He won’t let up until he figures out the cause.”

Fingers crossed he found a bug. Otherwise, he’d drive himself insane wondering about a noise they’d caused from the other side of the Atlantic.

“If you can tap into the system, why can’t someone else?”

“I’m only in because I accessed their main terminal and looped my system in. This signal is piggybacking from my own network across the street from theirs.”

“How did you access their main terminal?”

“Covertly,” he said, taking the device to put it on the desk by his gun. “I went in while the troops were out. Daire used to have the guys monitoring it twenty-four seven. After you and Three left the country, it became low priority. He could take it down anytime.”

Because it had been put up for her security. Dismantling the system would make sense. It could be exploited, like Styx was proving. The delay made her wonder. Was Daire leaving it in place because he expected her back soon or was that just his hope?

“Harry thought Daire was working with Zeus,” she said. “Apparently that’s what Zeus told him on the day of the Exodus.”

Styx’s burst of laughter startled her. “And you’re thinking maybe Daire’s the mole? Could be. My brother sure loves Olympus that much. But if it’s him, and you’re feeding him intelligence, you’re compromised. Zeus will know you can’t be trusted.”

Was it possible that Daire was playing her? Possible? Yes. Anything was possible. She did have her moments of doubt. Given the way their relationship started, it would be insane not to consider all eventualities. But his love… She had faith in that. Maybe it was stupid of her, naïve, foolish. Maybe. Except it was impossible to ignore how loving her, wanting her, caused problems for him.

Without feelings he could disregard her. Wouldn’t have to worry about security systems or betraying Harry. He didn’t need her providing intel for Zeus either. Talk about the long way round for a shortcut. Her putting information on paper and mailing it took days. It would be quicker for Zeus just to torture her.

“I don’t think Zeus trusts me anyway,” she said. “He’d be crazy to.”

“Not like you and Hades are close. You can’t have known each other long.”

“Neither have you and I,” she said, offering a smile when he came to sit next to her again. “Harry and me haven’t… it’s difficult between us, so you’re not wrong. I wouldn’t blindly follow him any more than I’d follow Zeus. Though I should say Zeus is a few points behind. He did arrange to have me transported across the ocean for his convenience.”

“Yeah, that was a bold move.”