He pounced up off the bed and went back to his bag on the desk. After rummaging around, he turned, balancing something that looked like a small, chunky laptop on his forearm.

“What is that?” she asked.

He came over to sit on the edge of the bed. “Everyone’s asleep.”

Shifting onto her knees, she rose to look over his shoulder at the screen and gasped at the sight. It was Vegas. Inside Three’s house. The screen flicked to a different image, one of the back patio. Darkness occupied the sky, though lights from The Strip glowed in the back corner. The pool lights were off, but the inset lights illuminated the patio.

“Oh my God,” she whispered, grabbing his shoulder to pull herself closer. “How are you doing that?”

“I’m tapped into their security feed,” he muttered. “My brother is thorough, so I’ve got a good view of almost everywhere… How do you feel about waking them up?”

“Waking them…”

There was no keyboard on his gadget, just a smooth surface on the lower half with vague lights that seemed to indicate buttons. He double tapped one and a low but harsh static sound echoed from within the image. It ended in a sharper whine that faded out after just a second.

Styx twisted his arm to press a button on the side of his watch, making it beep. “Any more than thirty seconds and you’re doing laps, boy,” he mumbled, amused.

“What are you doing? How did you do that?”

Styx pressed another light and the whole lower section of the device morphed to a new set of lit buttons, arrows. The Beast appeared on the screen in night vision. Pushing away from his shoulder, she rose higher on her knees. There was a camera in the garage. Of course there was, Daire would want to know who was standing outside his place.

The Beast’s door opened and there he was. Her Heart. Her fingers rose to her lips. He was right there. Right there.

On an inhale, she dropped her hands to Styx’s shoulders again. “Can he hear us? Is there audio?”

“Hear us?” Styx asked, angling his chin toward her as he scrolled through the various video feeds, following Daire’s progress to the basement. “Why would we want him to hear us?”

As Daire entered the basement and turned on all the lights, the image switched from night vision to color. The Olympus operatives leaped from their beds onto their feet. Daire had his back to the camera and no matter how she strained, she couldn’t hear anything. Whatever he said, the agents got their orders and grabbed clothes to pull on as they filtered out of the basement.

“What are they doing?” she asked, resting more of her weight on him.

What she really wanted to do was press herself up against that screen. The man on it wasn’t the severe one who joined Zeus’s meetings. That was Daire. Tough, efficient, thorough Daire.

“Bug sweep,” he said. “I still have equipment stashed at my SP.”


“Satellite post,” he said. “A temporary base.”

“Where is yours?”

“Opposite Three’s place, one of the homes just went into foreclosure. It’s empty. I’ve setup in a helluva lot worse.”

“What if someone finds your kit?”

“Not a big deal,” he said. “I can destroy everything sensitive in seconds from here, but I didn’t leave it lying around. I stashed it. That conduit patches me into their base. Let’s me know what’s going on.”

He put the laptop thing on the bed and headed for the bag again.

She grabbed up the device, transfixed by Daire inspecting the basement. “I can’t believe you did that… How did you do that?”

“Sent a feedback flare,” he said. “Suggests to Daire some unauthorized tech could be lying around.”

The image of her man in his black tee-shirt and sweatpants crouching, reaching to check every corner and crevice was mesmerizing. “You think somethingis listening in, not someone.”

“I’m a glass half-full kinda guy,” he said. “I’d rather assume we’ve been betrayed by Zeus or an outsider than kill one of our guys by mistake.”

“Kill?” she asked, licking her lips when Daire paused to glance around.