“Specify a search area,” Harry said. “Would take time, but it could work.”

Garrick didn’t seem as optimistic. “It’s a sensitive piece of technology, requires constant retuning and corrections.”

“So go with them,” Zeus said. That suggestion startled everyone. “Desperate times, desperate measures.”

“He’s not worried about going into the field,” Harry said, raising his chin. “Ares?”

“He’s worried about approaching our men,” Daire explained, on the same page as his superior, as always.

“After a year, they could be twitchy… and resentful.”

“Some of them could’ve moved on,” Daire said. “Have new lives… new masters… Approaching them is a risk for anyone with an Olympus face.”

“I don’t have an Olympus face,” Tess declared.

Going on a mission was not on her bucket list. Neither was being deputized into Olympus ranks. But volunteering had the advantage of requiring her to be Stateside, which increased her options.

“You approach any man, he’s going to think all his dreams came true,” Hugo said. “He’ll know exactly what he wants to do to you, and it won’t be kill you.”

“He has a point,” Byron said, putting a hand on the arm of his chair to push himself higher. “Pandora is not threatening, she can get right up close to deliver a message.”

Although the former president had been talking to Zeus, Harry answered. “Not happening.”

Zeus surprised her by being more open to the concept. “Could be interesting to see how they react after learning the woman they just screwed is their superior’s daughter.”

The idea might amuse Zeus and rile her father, but they were strolling just a little too close to Daire’s most sensitive nerve.

“It was only an idea,” she said. “And I didn’t offer to sleep with anyone. I know how to use my words, you know.”

Though her initial seduction of Danny didn’t support that assertion.

“Balfour’s right,” Zeus declared. “None of them would be listening to you speak. Their minds will be too occupied with plans of how they might relieve you of your clothes. It doesn’t matter anyway because Tess stays here.”

“If I can be useful—”

“You’re useful here,” Zeus said, expecting the final word. “Start close to home, Garrick, widen your net. Short trips south and then west. If you encounter anyone, track him, and notify Hades. He’ll do the approach.”

Already giving orders. There was nothing wrong with Zeus’s confidence.

“Why not Ares?” Garrick asked.

Either he’d be happier with the younger man doing the approach in case something went wrong or he was worried about Daire being home without a principal around.

“He’s going to lead the restoration, acquiring the parts you need for the Gamma system.”

“The main part is in D.C.,” Garrick said.

Zeus shrugged. “Then he goes to D.C.”

“Requires an op,” Daire said. “I’ll need at least two agents with me.”

She didn’t know how he could be so calm. Her letter was in the mail at that very moment and could arrive in Vegas anytime that week. If he was in D.C. and someone else checked the mail…

“I won’t let us be spread that thin,” Harry said. “Garrick will need two men. If I send another two with Daire, that leaves two of us here to guard base and the compound.”

“Sounds like you need to work on increasing the workforce,” Zeus said. “You have forty-eight hours to come up with a plan.”

“If we don’t?”