Two, Five, and the five of Harry’s men.

“You don’t think this will have an impact on the already strained relationships between your principals?” she asked, unable to believe he’d be so naïve. “If you didn’t know it, these two men weren’t exactly best friends to begin with.”

Was she sticking up for her father? Yes. It made sense to argue the point when she knew how Daire felt about letting Six’s betrayal slide.

Zeus cleared his throat. “And here I thought you might be the voice of reason.”

“Passive isn’t my natural state, I’m even worse at moderation.” Because she had a problem with obsessing over one thing. Whether that was her work, her mother’s death, her Heart… or certain parts of his anatomy. “Peace, no matter how fragile, has to be reached before there can be a restoration. What’s the point of spending money and asking the men to sweat setting up Gamma, if it’s all going to be blasted to hell before anyone steps over the threshold? There has to be an accord.”

“I don’t disagree,” Zeus said. “But your concerns about Six betraying anyone would only cause an issue if there was another attempted coup.”

“A coup,” she breathed out, some of the starch leaving her shoulders.

His arrogance was astounding. Though she couldn’t deny he was right or confirm that he’d be safe even if he did get the top spot back on a permanent basis.

The next words that came from the screen, from her Heart, were in a language she didn’t know. It wasn’t even a language she could identify… not that she had much experience with foreign languages.

Judging by Byron and Hugo’s expressions, she wasn’t the only one in the dark. Zeus understood it though. His gaze narrowed. Daire stared right back. There was a challenge there, something was going on. Should she jump in and break the stare or let Daire do his thing?

“Again you prove your education wasn’t a waste of time or money, Ares,” Zeus said, breathing out some of his hostility to nod. “Accepted. Can we move on?”

“Yes,” Daire said.

She didn’t have a damn clue what just happened. From the way Harry turned to Garrick, she wasn’t sure they did either.

“Good,” Zeus said. “Then we return to the issue we were discussing before Tess joined us.” Discussing loudly. “Relocating Minotaur.”

“Requires all three keys,” Garrick said. “Either one person has to be trusted with them or all of us have to be on site.”

“Three to retrieve Minotaur or three to revive it at Gamma?” she asked.

“Both,” Garrick said.

“There’s time,” Byron said. “Gamma can’t possibly be ready for at least another eight to twelve weeks.”

“We’ll get it there in six,” Daire said.

He really was desperate to get his home back… and maybe he hoped a speedy timetable would get him nearer to her sooner.

“Ares,” Harry warned without looking at his ward. “You’ll put pressure on our men while we’re shorthanded.”

“Which takes us to manpower,” Zeus said. “You will have to work on extending the radius of the Zone control module.”

Linking his fingers in front of him, Garrick shook his head. “I tried that for months. The problem isn’t the control module. The prototypes are not potent enough to project much of a signal.”

“Surely there’s some way to increase their potency.”

“It was an experiment,” Garrick said. “I wouldn’t want to tamper with a potentially unstable compound.”

“You have men there who were a part of the Zone Project.”

“And what?” she asked. “We should start experimenting on them? You already killed a quarter of the workforce; do you want to risk losing more?”

The rigidity in Zeus suggested he wasn’t a fan of her questioning him. Her tone of incredulity wouldn’t help. Just like she’d told her father, she wasn’t an agent, and wouldn’t bow to them like their men would.

“If we don’t enhance Zone, we may never find our people,” Zeus said, his attention turned to the ceiling, his jaw tight. “We need our ranks back.”

“Send some of the men you have out with the module,” Byron said. “They can look for them.”