Spinning on the spot, Tess smiled at him. “Probably because he thought there would be a lot of cursing.”

Harry’s need to keep her in the background, to “save” her from Olympus business wasn’t a new habit or one she liked. Despite her aversion to being coddled, she wouldn’t be manipulated by allowing Zeus to foster friction and resentment.

“Your father might be right,” Byron said. “These aren’t easy negotiations.”

“I can handle it,” she said, spinning to show the screen her smile. “I was only going to shower before dinner anyway. We can wait to eat. These talks are important… Where did you get to?”

“Setting up the gamma site is still a priority,” Garrick said.

His presence was a godsend, he’d been playing mediator between these men for years. He also erred on the side of the practical and was the only way she got in.

“But?” she asked, choosing to stay on her feet.

Byron and Hugo were in their armchairs again. Zeus stood behind the couch. She wouldn’t sit or be used as a prop. With her Heart’s eyes on her, she wouldn’t give any man the chance to touch her.

“We disagree on more than we agree on,” Zeus said. “You should sit down, Tess.”

Waving a hand above her shoulder, she dismissed him without turning around. “That can’t be a surprise to anyone. It shouldn’t be… You want to get Olympus going again. You need a base, and you need personnel.”

“Yes,” Garrick said. “Using the investments from our new members, resources shouldn’t be an issue.”

“Have the new members been recruited?” she asked. No one replied. “You mean the new Two and Five, right? Have they been recruited?”

“Not yet.”

Oh, his voice, it wasn’t right how deep his words embedded themselves inside her. Breathing in, the rhythm of Daire’s masculine tone washed over her. Of course he’d be the one to answer her. Harry never would. Byron deferred to Zeus who’d be happy for her to have more questions than answers.

“You’re anticipating their investment,” she said to herself, adjusting her position to stand perpendicular to the television. “You don’t have it.”

Hugo was the only one behind her, she could look to everyone except him. The Vegas billionaire didn’t seem to say much. Just like Harry said, when it came to Olympus business, he hung back.

“Their investment is assured,” Zeus said.

“It’s how they buy their way back in,” Daire said, his voice low and slow.

Was he doing that on purpose? That deep rumble vibrated its way to her most intimate corners. His voice was a visceral beacon to what they’d been. In the dark. In their bed. When that voice had belonged to her, been hers, warm against her skin, heating her ear, touching her every crevice, stimulating her skin.

“Money is only part of the problem,” Byron said. “One that’s easily fixed.”

“Yeah…” Daire said, “because our new Two and Five will pay for their predecessors’ sins.”

Interesting, she hadn’t considered that. Damn, her Heart was looping her in and putting things in context too. If Zulu was the brainchild of Two and Five, taking them out wouldn’t necessarily be enough for Zeus. He could challenge the loyalty of the new investors being folded into the Six.

Her Heart was frustrated. And she knew why his voice reeked of disdain. “Six,” she said, saying what Daire may not have been able to. “What about him? Is he investing something? Other than money?”

“What should he invest?” Zeus asked.

“An apology perhaps,” she said.

Zeus was quick to counter that. “He and I have already discussed his role in the plot.”

“I’m sure you have,” she said. “At length. You needed to murder the men who betrayed you and the five of Harry’s men who came after you.” Little bit of intel sharing there. She kept going, hoping it would slip by. “Should Harry and Garrick ignore the fact that Six betrayed them?” Laying a pointed look on Byron, she expected him to have some pride. “He betrayed you too. The rest of the Six. How can you discuss anything without thinking he’ll take it straight back to Ulysses?”

“If that’s the insurance Ulysses needs to trust the Six again…” Byron said. “It’s not too much to ask.”

“And what about Harry?” she asked, folding her arms. “He was brought a mission by your people. He accepted the mission because he didn’t have a choice.” Though Daire had refused it. Just then, it struck her how difficult it must have been for him to decline an order. “And when it all went to shit, you washed your hands and let him take the fall.”

“He didn’t take the fall,” Byron said. “Seven men are dead.”