Of all the times you’ve thrilled me, baby, today was the most exciting. Just getting your letter, knowing we have a link, it means everything to me.

I can’t deny that I liked reading Mr. Infinite Patience is struggling to sit still. I’m sorry, baby. I know you’d feel better if I asked you to be here, to change things, but you can’t. We can’t. You know why.

It’s difficult to tell you everything. You know how I got here and if P traced that call as Z said then you know where I am.

All he’ll tell me is he wants to put it back together. It seems like a long shot that they could trust each other again. But I listen for you. Because I know you want your home back.

He likes to talk, I’m not sure he listens. You know I don’t like to be ignored, that I tend to be too headstrong. Being civil isn’t always easy. The only reason I try is for you.

You like it when I’m stubborn. You don’t say it, but you don’t have to, I know my… Fuck, why do I flirt with you even when you’re thousands of miles away? It’s against the rules. Against my bravery. I should keep this professional. I’m your asset. Your gal on the inside. Pandora. Nothing else.

The apartment building has security, nothing you couldn’t handle if necessary. We have guys in uniforms who do whatever Z tells them. They’re like valets and servants and grunts all rolled into one. Not one of them would stand up to a threat. I’m telling you these things in case, survival, you know?

I don’t want you here. Don’t want you in harm’s way. Never. Not for me.

We’re going to get your home back. Whatever you need me to do, I’ll do it. Give me a signal. I’m not good with subtle, but I’ll try. I want you to have your happiness. You belong to Olympus and I will do everything in my power to put you where you’re supposed to be.

We know the truth, Your Heart.

Keeping things professional wasn’t easy. Especially when she was so excited to read his words. Flirting with him, craving him, those were her default. Being restrained was more difficult. It would get easier to keep her emotional distance in time… wouldn’t it?

In under an hour, she was due back in Zeus’s apartment for dinner. After mailing her letter, she was in no rush to imprison herself in his walls while her mood was so high. Not that she ever was.

Instead of going back, she got another coffee and returned to her favorite bench in the park to ponder how long it might take the letter to reach Daire’s hands. In her hurry to mail it, had she written anything revealing? Being explicit could be dangerous.

In his correspondence, he was eager, desperate, to be at her side. He’d asked for a signal, stating he’d leave everything to come to her. She’d put it to him straight in her reply that she didn’t want him in Europe. If he rushed to her, their feelings wouldn’t stay a secret for long.

For her own selfish reasons, she wanted him in London. But it wasn’t what was best for him or for Olympus, so she’d told him to stay in Vegas.

Someone sat on the other end of her bench. In all the times she’d sat there, no one had joined her for more than a minute or two. Despite the brief duration, it always perturbed her. There were dozens of benches, probably hundreds in London, maybe thousands. Why did anyone have to encroach on the happiest place she’d found in the foreign city?

“You know, I was thinking, you could be like my mother.”

That was… was he talking to her? She glanced his way, then fixed her attention straight ahead. The sun was still up, apparently the crazies didn’t wait for dark in Europe.

“Thing about her?” he spoke again. “She’s just never satisfied.”

Maybe she was judging him too quickly. How did she extricate herself from this without offending him? “Uh…” she started, “excuse me?”

She didn’t turn, even when he shifted his body to face hers. “Why is it that we scream at each other?”

This guy was certifiable. If she got up and ran away, he might chase her. She was discreet about dropping her coffee cup in the trash and sliding to the front of the bench, intending to make her escape slowly.

“The world’s so cold…” he continued. “Are you gonna leave me standing alone?”

The loon was still talking. His tone plain and simple, conversational. Except… those words…Something about them was familiar.

She paused, still perched on the bench, the edges of her jacket clasped in one fist. With narrow eyes, Tess looked over her shoulder at him, trying to figure out why the words rang bells. Beyond the hood and the stubble, he wasn’t bad to look at. He was hot even. Fit. Clean. He didn’t look like a crazy street person or like he was strung out on drugs. If he was trying to pick her up, he definitely got the award for originality.

“You think I’m like my father?” he asked at a lower volume, his voice a fraction deeper.

Shit. Words. No. Lyrics. It snapped into place. Maybe he wasn’t so crazy after all.

“Too…” she said, “bold?”

The corners of his lips twitched. “You have a lot to learn, Pandora.”

“And you have a lot of explaining to do, Prince,” she said, sliding back in the seat again. “Who are you?”