“You want things the way they were?” Tess asked. “Start with honesty.”

“This is a courtesy call. Proof of life. No one here will harm you.”

“Unless I abuse your kindness,” she said, reminding him of what he’d said at dinner. “Maybe you should be explicit. I’m better with direct than implied. I can also be pretty headstrong when I want to be.”

“Are you threatening me?” Zeus asked with a curl of humor that made her twist to peer up at him. “You’ll get along just fine, Tess. You fit in at Hugo’s place.”

“I had allies there.”

“You have allies here,” Zeus said. “We are allies. We choose Olympus.”

That took some of her gusto. Brought to a screeching halt, her gaze dropped to the floor.

She’d never chosen Olympus for her… Raising her chin slowly, her attention was drawn to the man in the center of the screen. In the background, silent and brooding. He was all she wanted. As they’d proven in the Beast, more than once since she’d found out the truth, they weren’t so good at remembering they didn’t belong to each other.

He belonged to Olympus. She’d released him from any obligation to their love, accepting the cause was his home, his world. Zeus wanted to piece the organization back together, maybe for the same reason, or maybe he just liked the power. Whatever Zeus’s reason, it didn’t matter. Daire wanted the same thing. If there was a chance to make it happen for him, she had to give it a shot.

“Okay,” Tess said, doing her best to quell emotion. “How do you suggest we put it back together?”

As worried as she’d be about Harry and Daire under Zeus again, once they figured out a way to work together, they could go back to how their life had been before the Exodus. And she would be able to do the same.

“That’s a conversation for later,” Zeus said. “We will have to take this slowly.”

Always eager to be in charge, he made the decision for everyone. Having just told herself not to be led by emotion, it wasn’t a good sign that it threatened to take over again already.

“You’re insane if you think me and my men would work shoulder to shoulder with you again,” Harry growled.

Daire’s chin rose, just the tiniest fraction, but it drew her eye. No doubt his thoughts matched Harry’s.

“We’ll have to figure out a way to make it happen,” Zeus said. “Because until we do, the ocean will remain between you and your child… There’s so much I haven’t told Tess, so much I can’t wait to share.”

“You drip your poison into her. Do it. I don’t care,” Harry snarled. “She’s smarter than that.”

Did her father believe that she was smart enough to pick fact from fiction? She’d once told him that if he died without telling her all the truths, only his enemies would remain to give her answers. With how tumultuous their interactions had been thus far, neither could have faith that trust or loyalty existed between them.

Confidence was necessary. He’d told her that being anything less than assured around the Six and Zeus was a sign of weakness and one they wouldn’t hesitate to exploit.

“Tess is part of us now, she will be part of Olympus,” Zeus said. “She adds an extra layer of protection for all of us. She’s old enough now… And I know how you enjoy taking in orphans to nurture them. No reason I shouldn’t do the same.”

Daire’s focus didn’t flinch, but he startled everyone by picking up the back of the chair and slamming it down. Her Heart was close to his limit. Something she’d never seen before, not in this way. She’d seen him on the edge of desire, tasted the desperation of his need. But the man on the screen with the tight jaw and lowered brow was dangerous… terrifying in the intensity of his concentration.

“Ares, my boy,” Zeus said. “We didn’t forget you. You will be home soon. We’ve lost enough time already; I know how you despise things being missed.”

“Working together would minimize the problems that come with dismantling the old site,” Garrick said, the calm voice of reason.

From his words, it didn’t seem Zeus noticed just how Daire hummed with fury. Maybe being in the room with him, Garrick got a better sense of the pressure building in him and how disastrous it would be if it were to explode.

“Minotaur is less of a problem than JARR,” Zeus said. “I appreciate someone acknowledging the larger issue. I shouldn’t have to remind any of you that I wasn’t the one plotting against you. Acting like the injured parties is in bad taste. I should be reluctant, given that my life was the one threatened. I haven’t heard any apologies, yet I am forgiving your sins.”

Like a truly benevolent god. The comparison was sickening but seemed to be what he was going for.

“I am considering all contingencies,” Garrick said.

“Good. I am doing the same and have many ideas for upgrades…” Zeus said. “Especially in regard to security.” That seemed premature. The men were at odds. It wasn’t guaranteed they’d be able to work together again. “Tess and I have discussed avenues for reconciliation. I suggest all of you do the same.”

“My men won’t work with you,” Harry said.

Zeus laughed, though the sinister sound quickly faded into the back of his throat. “Yes, they will. They do what you tell them. Didn’t you prove that by looping them in on… what did you call it? Operation Zulu? All except Ares, I understand you couldn’t trust him not to come to me.”