Not a moment too soon.

He didn’t comment on her moist palm or trembling fingers. Up front, a door opened and closed. A moment later the one next to Hugo opened and she was being guided out onto what felt like thin carpet. Her heels wobbled but didn’t clack. It wasn’t a hard surface but was solid… if that made sense.

Still trying to figure out where they were and what was happening, disorientation ruled. There was movement and air, but little sound. If they were somewhere busy, somewhere with people, none of them were speaking. The car idled behind them. Did that imply they wouldn’t be staying long?

That question was answered when the car moved, the engine sound receded and drifted away. If it was going to be parked, the lot was far from where they were.

“What’s happening?” she asked, turning in the direction of the man still holding her hand.

Hugo let go to loosen the blindfold. She blinked, taking a moment to orient herself. Nothing about their surroundings helped her relax. They were on carpet, temporary carpet that must have been rolled out just for them. She didn’t care about the carpet, she cared about the plane a dozen yards away.

“Come on,” Hugo said, taking her hand to pull her forward.

Resisting, she planted her feet. “No, I don’t think we should—”

“Trust me, Tess, it will be fine,” Hugo said, his smile broad and oblivious. The keen businessman might be savvy in the boardroom, he wasn’t so great at reading women. His calm expression contrasted her feelings. Tess was anything but calm or intrigued. “We’re going somewhere special.”

“I don’t want to,” she said, withdrawing her hand to step backward.

Glancing around the airfield, she didn’t see anyone. There were planes and buildings, but no people. Play along? What kind of advice was that? Getting on a plane was a step beyond what she’d even considered a possibility.

Hugo laughed. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Do you have a fear of flying?”

“I have a fear of getting on planes when I don’t know where they’re headed.”

“Look,” he said, approaching to take her hand. “We’ll go and have a good time. Any time you want to come back, we’ll come back.”

What Harry had said about Three being out his depth came back to her. The man could be flamboyant, Harry said that too. Was that what this was? Him waving his cash around, like providing her a store and everything she needed to make a success of it? Hugo wanted her favor, not knowing why unsettled her.

“I should call Harry—”

“Harry knows all about it,” Hugo said on another laugh, edging nearer. “You’ve never been treated like this, I get it. You’re unsure, but you don’t have to worry. We’re part of the same team. All of us. We are all part of the same unit.”

Unsure if she wanted to be a part of his unit, she remained dubious. Looking into Hugo, she tried to tell if he was being honest or if something else might be going on.

“I don’t know…”

“You’ll love it. In fact, there’s a surprise waiting for you just up those stairs.”

A surprise? The plane itself was a surprise. It rankled that he acted as though she was an impressionable child, won over by candy and trinkets. Letting him have his way was about keeping the peace, not a lack of awareness there could be consequences.

If Harry knew, Daire knew… They’d been together that afternoon. Why hadn’t he told her about this? Had he learned of the trip after they parted? If he had a problem with it, he’d have found a way to keep her there. To get to her… Wouldn’t he?

“I don’t know that I should…” she said, conflicted. “I’d rather just stay here, Hugo. I’m sorry.”

Private planes and surprises probably worked with the dozens of women from his past. The money and reach would impress most people. Especially those who weren’t from an affluent background.

His brow descended, but before Hugo could say anything, someone appeared from within the plane.

“Is there a problem?” he asked.

“Oh my God,” she murmured, fixated on the dashing white haired man standing on the plane stairs. “Is that…”

“Yes,” Hugo said, guiding her a couple of steps.

She couldn’t believe who she was looking at. Couldn’t believe that the man right there, in front of her was…

“President Byron,” she said.