She went to bed troubled. The unsettled feeling didn’t go away that night or over the following couple of days.

By Wednesday, Hugo was becoming much more forceful about her moving to the hotel suite. Why didn’t he want her staying at the house? Everything was coming to a head. To avoid another back and forth about the suite, Tess snuck out early and grabbed a cab back to the house. She didn’t have cash to pay the guy but took the risk for a clean getaway.

“Wait here,” she said to the cab driver as she hopped out and ran up the driveway.

The garage door was open again, as was the Beast’s door. No one was in the trailer, but it didn’t matter. She went in there to grab Daire’s truck keys and retrieved money from the hatch between the front seats. Finding cash in the same place they’d kept it while on the road roused nostalgia. So much had changed since then. It was nice to find something the same.

She paid the cab driver and was watching him disappear down the street when Daire came out of the garage.

He opened his arms. “You want to tell me why you’re standing out here on your own? Where are the chump’s bodyguards?”

Striding up the drive, she grabbed his wrist and kept going. “I don’t know where they are.”

“You don’t think that’s important?” he asked when she pulled him into the Beast. “Out there in the open is a pretty easy shot.”

Letting him go next to the dinette, she went back to close and lock the Beast’s door, trapping them inside. “It’s okay. Olympus doesn’t want to kill me.”


She went to stand in front of him. “Well, you’re Olympus, do you want to kill me?”


“Know of any missions to murder me?”

“No,” he said, folding his arms. “But we’re not exactly a cohesive unit these days.”

“I didn’t come here to talk about my assassination,” she said. “I had to sneak away like I did because he’d never let me go otherwise.”

Daire’s arms fell to his sides. “He’s holding you prisoner?”

“No,” she said, shaking both hands at him before planting them on his torso. “Look, I came here because I need to speak to Danny.” He blinked in surprise. “Is that possible?”

“What you want me to do?” he asked. “Channel him like a dime-store psychic?”

“No, I—”

“Unless you mean you want me to…”

Walking up close, he used his body to turn hers and pressed her against the counter.

“No,” she said, though keeping the smile from her lips was difficult. “Remember when I went out with Patrick…” She pinned a quick glare on him. “I found out after you were following me.”

Daire wasn’t backing off. They were talking. Her hands were flat on his body… his hot, hard, amazing body, yet he stayed put.

“Mm hmm.”

“When I came back—”

“And we were talking about the dead drop?” he asked. “Yeah.”

That wasn’t a term he’d used that night.

She pushed her lips to the side for a second. “Maybe Daire would be better for this.”

“Daire has questions of his own,” he said, referring to himself in the third person. “Like why you said Three wouldn’t let you go. Where you’ve been the last few days? Why you had to rob the truck for cash?”

“I don’t have any money,” she said. “I came back because I have to talk to you. I need to talk to you. Every night this week Hugo’s been pushing me to stay in the suite at his hotel.”