“Is that why you told him about the pancakes? Do you want me to be with him?”

“I didn’t tell him anything about you. I would never think to so much as gift him the sound of your name. I can’t stand seeing him anywhere near you. Why would I want you with him?”

“Because it’s easier to hate than to love… Easier to forget about us if I’m someone else’s responsibility.” Everything frustrated her. Living with so much strain couldn’t be healthy. “Damnit, Daire, if plotting with Harry to use me in some scheme is what will help you push me away—”

“I don’t want to push you away,” he said, surprising her by planting a hand on the bed on her other side, suspending himself over her. “Do you have any goddamn idea how hard it is for me to keep my hands off you right now? For me to stay away from you? I know where you sleep, Little Red, and I sleep in the bed we used to fuck in every night… You think about what that’s like? Every night I reach for you, every goddamn night.”

Though he loomed over her, she thrust her hands into the bed, straightening her arms some to brace herself just beneath him. “I think Harry wins, every time. I gave you to Olympus and you said it was brave and honorable. I didn’t do it so you could manipulate me, so you and my father could cook up some scheme—”

“I love you,” he hissed under his breath, his teeth gritted. “Goddamnit, woman, stop pissing me off when I can’t fuck some sense into you.”

His primal growl put that exact idea in her head. Though she was still unsure and probably afraid of the potential future, she couldn’t be so close to him, under him, without craving his taste and the indulgence of his touch.

“What would you do if I kissed you right now?” she asked, moistening her lips.

“I’d kiss you back. Don’t know a man who wouldn’t.”

He’d do it in spite of the risk, in spite of what it could mean for him and Harry, for Three and Olympus.

“You know, I said I’d… never have any expectation of you,” she murmured, struggling to keep the pant of her shallow breathing under control. “I promise I still don’t but… just to let you know… I’m going inside… Instead of going up to my room there’s a chance I’ll end up in your bed… naked… in like two minutes.”

“I’ll be less than one behind you.”

Daire freed her from the cage of his arm, and she sprang to her feet to stride inside, past the men in the kitchen, toward the front of the house. From the end of that hall, one way led to the stairs to her room, the other to the garage. Just like the day before, Tess didn’t hesitate to head for the Beast.

She only got a few feet when Hugo stepped out of the laundry room with a woman.

“Tess,” he said, stepping back to present the woman. “This is Mari.”

“Hi,” the woman said, coming forward, her hand outstretched. “So much to work with, you’re a beauty.”

What was happening? She shook the woman’s hand. “Thank you and you are…”

“My team is on the way,” Mari said. “We’ll have time to wash your hair, get you ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“Mari will be your style coordinator,” Hugo said.

“Hair, make-up, wardrobe,” Mari said. “Everything you need. I understand you’re a designer. It would be great to see some of your pieces. We should be able to accessorize them; you are the greatest advertisement for your work.”

Dumbfounded, she didn’t know how to react to the woman, so addressed Hugo instead. “This is the surprise? I thought we were going out.”

“We are. I need just another hour and then we’re set to go,” Hugo said. “Mari will help you get ready… The master is upstairs.”

Mari squealed and grabbed her hand to drag her away from Hugo. As they passed the end of the hall, she glanced that way and saw Daire loitering halfway down. He must have heard her being waylaid.

“Sorry,” Tess mouthed, though she had no idea if he caught it because Mari was on a mission.

Other than the occasional feel-good day with her mom in her pre- and early teens, being pampered in her bedroom was a first. Using a beauty parlor or indulging herself with a spa treatment was low on her priority list. Minimizing contact with others, especially those who may ask personal questions, was part of the lifestyle. That meant she was efficient at doing a bunch of treatments herself. Wouldn’t be unusual for her to be the one giving treatments to customers. Beauty places often didn’t mind paying off the books.

Somehow her life had taken a U-turn. From giving to receiving.

Hugo could offer a woman the world. He had wealth and resources abound. Yet the whole time she was being pampered, Tess kept thinking about how she’d much rather be in the Beast, beneath her feral mate. Whatever Daire was, however it turned out between them, he was still the only one who could rev her engine.

THE PAMPERING TOOK longer than an hour. Hugo didn’t complain. Mari ushered Tess out to a waiting limo after deeming her ready. Inside, Hugo poured champagne and toasted to bold beginnings. Tess didn’t know what that meant. He taunted her with hints about where they were going. His casino wasn’t exactly a new destination for them. They pulled up to the private entrance, and he guided her inside. Though it was early in the day, time had little meaning in Vegas. Windows to the outside world didn’t exist in the casino. Many people wouldn’t have the first clue what day it was, let alone the time. She expected they’d go to Hugo’s private bar or up to some suite for another party.

Rather than go up, he took her deep into the plaza beyond the grand lobby. With a central water feature and marble floors, retail units and eateries occupied the beautiful space.