Page 57 of Cuckoo (Kindred)

“What?” she asked, sampling the sauce one more time before she turned off the heat and went to wash her hands.

“Your CI lawyer friend sent you a message,” he said.

Snatching the towel, she dried her hands on her journey to his side. “Well?”

“He came through. We’ll have to trawl through every transaction. Tuck’s gonna come back to start trying to figure it out. Your friend doesn’t know what we’re looking for, we have to find it ourselves. It might take a while, but we’ve got the info, that’s a great start. Your lawyer buddy saved us some legwork.”

Asking Julian had been a spur of the moment decision, one she was glad to have made. “See?” she said. Stretching her smile, she bounced up to sit on the counter. Holding onto his shoulder while Brodie took her hip and slid her to him, he settled between her parted thighs. “I told you it was a good idea.”

“I stand by what I said, the dude wants into your pants. He got the job done damn quick for a guy who’s just helping out,” he said.

“I’m sure a quick blow job will suffice,” she said, but when his expression became more deadpan, she shook her head and patted his chest. “I’m kidding.”

“Yeah, keep working on that sense of humor, ‘cause I think the guy likes his tongue in his head and his balls in his pants, which they won’t be if you open your mouth for his dick.”

She wasn’t the only one whose jokes missed their mark. When Brodie said things like that, she could never be sure if a laugh was the response he was looking for. Levering up to kiss him, she ran her hand over his hair. “You better let this grow again.” She missed being able to tangle her fingers in his hair.

“I will,” he groaned. “I know you hate it.”

“I don’t hate it. You look sexy and dangerous.”

“Which goes away when it’s longer?”

“No,” she said, wrapping her legs around his pelvis. “I just like to have something to hold onto when your head’s between my thighs.”

“Can’t say you’re not honest,” he said and kissed her before unhooking her legs from around him. “I have to get over to the hotel. I’m gonna help Tuck pack up. We don’t need to keep watching Kahlil if we know who he’s working for and with.”

“About that,” she said, coiling her leg around his thigh to prevent him from getting too far away.


“There’s something that didn’t come up when we were talking before. This morning, before he left, he spoke into his cellphone like he was recording something. I think he might be a double agent, I don’t think Sikorski has him.”

“What did he say?” Brodie asked, intrigued enough to return to his previous position.

“The most important thing he said was that he had poison in his watch.”

Why it was there was another question and one that made her think he wasn’t being as compliant with Sikorski as they believed. Sikorski would bring money to the table, money that Kahlil probably didn’t have. But the Game Time deal he’d offered came with the promise of plenty of green. She couldn’t see Kahlil having those kind of private funds. He dressed well but had maintained a subordinate place in his previous organization. If he’d had the funds to go it alone, she’d guess he’d have tried it by now.

But carrying poison and claiming his aim was to eliminate a target suggested more than it being an undetectable defensive measure.

Possibilities flickered behind his eyes, and she was curious about her love’s conclusions. “Why would he say that?” Brodie asked. “Poison for him or someone else?”

“I’m going with someone else because he said if he got close enough, he would eliminate the threat or the target… something like that. I can’t remember which word he used.”

When his pondering concentration broke, her actions became Brodie’s focus. “And you tell me this after having sex with me and sleeping in my bed all day?”

“I’m telling you now,” she said. Telling him sooner would have caused him to take action, and he needed his rest. “I tried to call you about the poison as soon as he said it, but you didn’t pick up your phone.” For this, she gave his chest a shove. “Sometimes I do have important information. I don’t just call to ask what you want for dessert.”

“I guess that explains why you had a message from Thad about poison. Atta girl.”

Anticipating the possible need for an antidote impressed him, so she supposed that she was out of the doghouse for delaying giving him the news. “Just thinking ahead,” she said. “Except as it turns out, there isn’t one. So we will have to be careful.”

He frowned. “Yeah, I read that. He wrote a fucking essay, the toxin comes from fish or something, I don’t know.”

Zara poked his ribs. “How do you know I have a message from him?” Or from Julian for that matter.

Both men had messaged her private email account when she’d heard from them before finding Brodie in the bedroom. Julian wouldn’t even know how to contact a general Kindred address, he didn’t know the Kindred existed.