Page 5 of Cuckoo (Kindred)

No, she didn’t, but she was better at skirting awkward questions since going through her breakneck Kindred education. “What’s the alternative?” she asked. “Are you going to come in and field those questions for me?”

His scowl deepened. There wasn’t a chance in hell he would consider that an option. “I don’t want us to be separated. We’ve got a lot of enemies out there, baby.”

More with every mission. “You left Swift alone,” she said, dragging a fingernail over his pec as she rested her head on him again.

“Swift’s been doing this a lot longer than you have. And he doesn’t suck my dick.”

Which was his way of saying that he was worried about her as a boyfriend instead of a colleague. Turning her head to kiss his chest, she acknowledged his concern. “That’s good to know. Yeah, I guess if I got kidnapped or murdered, your dick would be neglected.”

“Yep,” he said.

The grump in his voice made her look at him again, this time with a smile. “That’s not why you’re worried about me.”

“No, it’s not,” he said and when he tried to look away again, she caught his face and climbed on top of him to tease.

“You worry ‘cause you love me.”

Though he considered it for a second, his sullen expression didn’t relax. “Yeah, so fuck, how am I supposed to keep an eye on you here if I’m there watching Tuck’s back?”

“This house is a fortress. I carry GPS wherever I go. CI is one of the most secure buildings in the city. Besides—”she cast a look over her shoulder—“You have eyes on me everywhere.”

She still hadn’t established where the cameras were, but Brodie had disclosed that he watched her, even in their private space. Instead of being shocked or feeling violated, she found his variety of attentiveness to be arousing.

At any time or in any place, he could be watching her. Since learning this secret, she’d done her best to tantalize him through her actions, especially if he was too far away to touch. She hoped it might entice him to come home to her.

Brodie wasn’t easily persuaded after he’d made his mind up about something, but she wasn’t finished trying. Staying here at base and working at CI was safer than hanging around with Rigor and his men. Using these facts and some intimate persuasion, she was confident he’d leave her here and go to New York alone.

She was a distraction to him there and being the solitary female in the house, she got more than her share of leers and suggestive comments. If she stayed here, Brodie would be less likely to put his fist through one of the men they were supposed to be working with.

Being the lone woman in the Kindred was something she was getting used to, but sitting in Rigor’s new home surrounded by skilled men who could be counted upon to protect the sanctity and secrets of their kin was highlighting to her just how confused her role in the world had become.

“If we’re separated, I can’t help you if you get into trouble,” he said.

Slanting her lips, she pressed them into his body and slid her hands up to squeeze his shoulders, which allowed her to lever up enough that her breasts hung close to his mouth. “You’ve taught me how to look after myself and I’m always armed. Think of how much fun it will be if I call you up and tell you to kick someone’s ass for upsetting me. You’ll have an excuse for some sport. If I’m at CI, I’m out of the way of Rigor’s handsy men.”

Grabbing her body, he pulled her down. “Someone touched you?”

“No,” she said. “But we both know they’ve thought about it.”

And that was probably the decider because he didn’t even try to argue. “Forty-eight hours,” he said, coiling his hand in a fist around the locks at the nape of her neck to force her cheek onto his chest. “Go to sleep. I won’t be here when you wake up.”

Complying, she nestled close to him and closed her eyes. “Brodie,” she sighed.

“What?” he asked, loosening his fingers to comb them down her back.

Being away from base meant following Kindred rules and adhering to them was often frustrating, so she wanted to exploit this rare moment that they weren’t constrained. “Nothing. I just like being able to say your name.” His hand moved to her neck and squeezed.

“My girl,” he said, stroking her until she drifted off to sleep.


Invigorated by Brodie’s agreement, they’d enjoyed each other again in the dark. Before he stroked her back to sleep, he added some provisos. She was to stay at the manor every night and had to report in several times a day. Once she was satisfied that CI wasn’t going to burn to the ground without her and Grant there to hold it up—which Brodie assumed would take no more than two days—she was to join him and Tuck at Rigor’s place.

Her task was to return to her old life, sans Grant. Brodie wasn’t the only one who needed to be free of distractions to get the job done. Keeping her eye on the company would be easier without him noticing and questioning every nuance of her actions.

Brodie departed the manor before she was out of her morning shower. He advised her that he’d leave a car for her in a concealed parking space outside the perimeter of McCormack land. Having a car to get to and from work would be easier than having a cab drop her off each night.

She still had her parking spot at CI and the codes hadn’t changed, so getting inside was just like old times. For a while she fooled herself that going through the motions would be enough. That was until she reached the executive floor. The staff there stopped to greet her and express condolences, but when they were all gone, she was left staring at the interior glass wall of Grant’s office. The blinds were closed on the other side concealing her view. Not that she needed to see to know what was there.