Page 37 of Cuckoo (Kindred)

Happy to relax and enjoy her own afterglow, even if Brodie didn’t have a permit to join her, Zara just breathed and let her body stay heavy. “Can you see him?” she asked, looking at the water-stained ceiling.

“He’s in bed,” he said and glanced at his watch. “Swift and I agreed to give him an hour, then we’ll go in.”

“What?” she said, sitting up. The weight of his belt fell into her cleavage. She’d almost forgotten it was around her neck. Picking it up, she loosened it to pull it off over her head.

Brodie was on his feet, fastening his jeans, so she got up and went over to stand in front of him. He frowned down at her. She smiled and began to thread his belt through its loops. “I love you,” she said, putting both arms around him to get it through the loops at the back.

“You’re not in one of your smiley, happy moods now, are you?” he asked, peering down at her like she was contagious and so should be avoided.

He might be Mr. Assassin tonight, but she’d just been fucked good and hard, she loved it when they played their games. “Maybe,” she said. When she was finished with the belt, she elected not to fasten it and chose instead to leave it loose. Gathering his tee shirt, she lifted it up to kiss his ridged abdomen, then pulled it higher and kissed his chest.

“I meant it when I said Swift was coming back,” he said, taking her wrists to pull her off his body. “We’re in for an all-nighter, but not the sort you’re looking for.” He scanned south then dropped down on the couch. “Put your tits away.”

She didn’t even know where her top was. Seeking it out, she found it on the floor and bowed to pick it up, ensuring to turn and bend at the waist so he could get a view of her ass in the G-string that wasn’t hidden at this angle because her skirt was so short and loose.

“You’re gonna tease me all night, aren’t you?” he asked and spanked her before she stood up.

“I’ll try to be good,” she said, looking through her hair over her shoulder as she pulled on her skimpy halter-neck.

“You better ‘cause we’re working,” he said and slumped in the couch, appearing none too happy that they were constrained by circumstance.

“What are you going over for?” she asked, sitting beside him, right beside him, so their bodies were in full contact. “You said that you and Tuck had agreed to give Kahlil an hour before you are going in.”

He glanced down at her to register her proximity, despite the vast length of couch on her other side, then sat forward to peer through the scope. “We can bug the place while he’s asleep.”

Frowning, she thought of all the things that could go wrong. “Is that smart?” she asked. “He might have gadgets of his own or men watching the door.”

“Possible,” Brodie said. “We know what we’re doing. We’ll be careful.”

She sighed. “And I’ll sit here looking through the scope, hoping you’re not decapitated by his crazy friends. He had two guys with him at CI the night he met Grant, don’t forget what happened in the CI parking garage. I would guess he’d have more if he’s staying here in this shady area. He could have bodyguards in the next door apartment or something.” Brodie didn’t respond. Her thoughts came to a new conclusion. “It would make more sense for me to go in.”

Now she was sure he was listening. “How in the fuck do you figure that?” he asked, giving up the scope.

“You’re the sniper. So if I get in trouble, you can eliminate the threat. You’ve shot people right next to me before. Hell, you shot Tim when he was on my face. I’ve only shot one person, and he was so close it was impossible to miss. If you and Swift go over there and get into trouble, I’ll be more likely to shoot the old lady two floors below than be any help to either of you. Also, Kahlil knows me, and his men might too. If they catch me I can vamp, tell him I’m there to talk about Game Time or something, see if I can’t get him to talk about Future’s Hope.”

She preferred using the name of the vessel than referencing his parents. Brodie didn’t need it spelled out. He was considering her suggestion, he didn’t dismiss her, and that sign of respect bolstered her need to be useful. To be a part of the Kindred, she would have to do jobs like this. She didn’t have experience, but practice was the way to get that, Brodie had said so himself.

“We’ll leave Swift here to spot,” Brodie said and returned to his spying.

She didn’t mind if Brodie was the one with her, she just wanted to understand the decision. “Why?”

“Because they’ve seen me come to your defense before.” In the CI parking garage. “And if they watched Atlas play out, they saw us together. I doubt they noticed Tuck, and we don’t make our people show their faces unless they have to.”

He cared for his cohorts and that made her love him more. Bringing her hand to his face, she stroked it as she twisted her knees onto the couch under her to lean in and kiss him. He accepted the kiss until she tried to slide her tongue into his mouth. Then he took her arm to pull her away.

“Seriously, Swallow, sit your ass down.”

That he was so serious about her keeping her hands to herself tickled her, but she had to respect his wishes. They were on a job and she could be a professional. She always had been before, then again, she’d never been boning her boss before. Choosing to lie on the couch, she pressed the balls of her feet into his thigh and drummed her toes.

Brodie kept one hand on the scope and dropped the other to her bare ankles. She appreciated the nod to their intimacy, even though they were being responsible. “How did you meet Caine?”

He glanced at her but answered as he went back to work. “In a bar,” he said. “It was… years ago… five, maybe ten, I don’t know… whatever, we met in a bar.”

“And you became friends?”

“We were never friends,” he said, leaning around the arm of the couch, he pulled the bag from under the desk over to the floor at his feet. “It was a poker game, a big deal, major odds. He was just another guy there, least he was to me. Someone told him of my legend, and it was after that he started hanging around, showing up in places we were, even shot a couple of my kills.”

“He took jobs from you?”