Page 13 of Cuckoo (Kindred)

Leaving the law floor, she went up to her own and set Grant’s office in her sights. Zara wanted time to walk around the CEO’s office that she’d so far avoided before she was expected to take a meeting in it. On several occasions in the past, she had been party to Grant’s discussions with important clients. But she sat in a corner, out of their eye line and took notes or offered facts as they were requested.

Grazing her finger over the fingerprint receptor on Grant’s office door, she was disconcerted to feel tears burning in her ducts. Grant had screwed her over and wanted her to suffer for falling in love with Brodie. But he was a damaged man, desperate and alone. There wasn’t anyone on the planet who knew him through and through.

She wondered if there was anything more she could have done to bring him closer to Brodie. She didn’t have to turn her back on him in the Atlas warehouse as she had. So many ‘what ifs’ and ‘could’ve maybes’ presented themselves to her now that she had the full picture. Retrospect gave her the unwelcome chance to make excuses. The Kindred didn’t tell her that they were going to be at that warehouse or that they planned to intercept the deal.

But she could pinpoint the moment that her relationship with Grant had been broken. It was that second she tossed the van keys to Brodie instead of him. Zara already had a sense of responsibility for what happened with Art. Guilt over her decision still often kept her awake at night. If she’d tossed the keys to Grant maybe Sutcliffe would’ve made it out of there with the device, but Art would be alive, wouldn’t he?

Maybe Grant would never have found out about her relationship with Brodie. Sure, Brodie would’ve been pissed at her and it would’ve taken some explaining, but… She’d had to make a split second decision, and the crux of it was that she trusted Brodie to be compelled by the Kindred’s motives that were more virtuous. When she’d made that instinctive choice, none of them knew that Sutcliffe was packing a weapon or that any of them were in immediate danger of death.

Replaying the past over in her mind wouldn’t change their circumstances. She was here now, outside the CI CEO’s office, and no matter how she justified it, she had to go inside. With one long hard breath that shook her shoulders, she straightened her spine and pushed her thumb against the security plate. It flashed in acceptance, so she strode inside.

Her concern should’ve been what was coming, who this strange client would be, and why he wanted to meet with her. It was disconcerting that he knew her well enough to want to talk to her while she had no idea who he was. That left her at an instant disadvantage.

Less than five paces into the room, she paused, her vision snagged on the black leather chair that hadn’t been used since Grant was last here. Grant. The room still smelled like him. Rolling her lips around her teeth, she squeezed hard but couldn’t stop her chin from wobbling. Maybe that was why this was so difficult. Grant was gone. He had nurtured CI, it was his legacy, his passion, and now like a lost child, it stood as an ominous reminder of what was missing. This building was a glass and steel headstone bearing the name of the man she had once idolized and who would never again visit its hallways.

It would be easy to attribute her emotional reaction to thoughts of Grant McCormack to the five years they worked together when there were good times. But it wasn’t so much the man himself, or the happy times they shared, that she grieved. Her regret came from the way things ended, so abruptly that no one got the chance to say goodbye.

And guilt. The weight of it kept her awake. It was ironic that she could see strangers die and hear of Brodie’s work without blinking an eye, yet the demise of one man who had become their enemy plagued her. That fact was the root of her guilt.

He had become their enemy. But why was that? Because of her. Maybe the foundation of their animosity had been laid when they were teenagers, but it was her involvement in their lives, in their work, and relationship that had caused the rift to become terminal. She felt guilty about coming between the brothers, which was crazy, because they’d had years to make amends with each other and neither cared.

Zara knew what it was to live without family and what it was to want the approval of a parent or the support of a sibling and to be left hanging. Her father didn’t contact her anymore, and in years gone by, when she mustered the courage to call home, the conversation was so strained that she eventually gave up trying to force it. Her mother was long dead. Her brother was too busy being a dumbass to think about stepping up for her. To her family, it was as if she’d ceased to exist because she chose to make decisions for herself instead of relying on theirs.

At one time, she relied on CI and on Grant to fill that hole. Losing both now was like losing an old friend or breaking up with a long-term partner. She knew there was nothing for her here, that she didn’t want this life anymore, but it didn’t make turning her back any easier.

Her future was with Brodie and the Kindred. What they did was so dangerous, as Grant and Art’s deaths had shown, that the void within her was always precariously close to becoming vacant. It could come at any second. Brodie had enemies and one of them could be loitering in any shadowy corner, ready to take her love away from her without any warning.

“I guess I’m early.”

Spinning on the spot, all of her thoughts jarred to an abrupt halt when she identified the man who had spoken. “Oh my God,” she whispered, forgetting to inhale before she sealed her lips.

“Kahlil Samara,” he said, coming into the room with his hand extended.

Her body went into lockdown. She was so stiff, she couldn’t move, though her eyes were doing a crazy job of trying to find any troops he might have brought with him. He got over to her and stopped, lifting his hand higher as he smiled.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, casting off her surprise so as not to betray how he’d caught her off guard.

She and Kahlil had met months ago in the Grand Hotel conference room during Grant’s negotiations into selling Game Time. But she’d been aware of him before then after overhearing a meeting between her boss and this man. Having believed that she’d made a discreet escape, she was then attacked by Kahlil’s security men in the CI parking garage. She’d been green and didn’t know how to extricate herself. So it had been lucky that Raven was watching because he’d swooped in to save her ass.

How much Kahlil knew about that night, she didn’t know. But Raven wasn’t here to save her this time. Grant wasn’t even around to offer a buffer. This was her and a terrorist alone in a room. They were probably the only two people in the building who had any idea about Game Time. Kahlil’s master was unsuccessful in his bid for Game Time, so maybe this was him taking a second shot now that Grant wasn’t able to hamper the deal.

Kahlil’s hand dropped in time with his sigh. “I heard about Grant. I wanted to extend my condolences.”

No way that was the honest reason for his visit. Offering commiserations gave him a smokescreen for whatever his true motive for the visit was and it gave her an explanation to feed Julian if he should ask about this meeting.

She had met Kahlil once and their interaction had been brief. He had no reason to care about how she was dealing with the loss of Grant. If the sympathy was a professional courtesy, he should be talking to a board member or one of the company’s lead lawyers, like Julian. But she had to accept his offering, even if it was false. The less she did to aggravate the man who had no compunction about causing harm, the better.

“Take a seat,” she said, stepping aside and pointing to the guest chair at Grant’s desk.

Putting a large piece of furniture between them would make her feel more secure. But she also didn’t need his attention on her as she activated the miniature voice recorder in her watch. Darting across the room to close the office door, she used the chance to twist the face of the watch to the one position, setting the tech to record.

She’d found the piece in the manor supply room when she’d gone snooping. At first, she just thought it looked nice and she needed a timepiece anyway, so she adopted it for her wrist. During one of her moments admiring it, she noticed that the face frame moved and that the number inset in the face began to count. Moving the arrow on the frame to different numbers did different things: record, play, rewind, and so on. She didn’t know if there was a transmitter that would allow the audio to be picked up remotely. But the point was moot because no one would know she needed them to tap into it.

Having this meeting on tape would be useful, she could play it for the other Kindred members, and hearing it for themselves would mean no detail would be missed. She didn’t know how much recording time there was on the device. To maximize what she had, Zara hurried to the desk and sat in Grant’s chair.

“Why did you want to meet me?” she asked, spreading her hands flat on the desk to pull herself in.

Kahlil was bright eyed with a clear complexion and a stylish suit that was a faded purple color. His choices suggested he was a confident clotheshorse. But Zara had come to learn that the image portrayed by some didn’t always fit what was beneath the choreographed façade.