‘Thank you so much, Breton, we will call her now and let her know,’ Colleen stated.
‘Remind her to take only her passport and a carry-on, that way it will be quicker for customs and less time in the airport.’
I knew exactly what he was talking about, and I would be sure to relay the message to her.
‘Thanks,’ I replied.
‘Keep me posted,’ he said and hung up.
‘Ugh,’ I moaned, pushing myself out of my favorable horizontal position from under my duvet and grabbed my phone on the nightstand next to me. I saw the time was four in the morning, and I had an email from Breton, two missed calls from Drew, along with a missed text message, and it was him that was calling me again.
All the hair on my body rose, alarm bells went off and fear took over me. Something had to have happened. Drew never called me like this, always just sent me text messages and waited for me to reply.
I answered the phone, ‘Hello?’ my voice cracked from sleep and worry.
‘Hey, cupcake,’ Drew’s voice was like honey on the line, calm and relaxed. ‘Sorry to call you in the middle of the night…’
‘What’s wrong?’ I asked, getting right to the point.
‘No one is dead, but have a seat,’ he told me and then paused. ‘Are you sitting?’
‘Drew, you're scaring the shit out of me, what the fuck is going on?’ I demanded.
‘Your father has had a heart attack…’
‘What?’ I whispered, not really able to comprehend what he was saying. My father was young, he was healthy, he exercised, and he ate pretty well.
This couldn’t be happening, not now, not when I was so far away.
‘Cupcake, are you listening to me?’ Drew asked me, I wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying.
‘Jessa?’ he used my name in an authoritative tone, one I wasn’t all that used to.
‘Yeah, I’m here,’ I said, dumbfounded.
‘Breton arranged a private jet for Sarah out of Luton,’ he told me. ‘Do you understand?’
I nodded and said, ‘I do.’
‘He’s sent you an email telling you what to do. Now I need you to put your phone on speaker, I’m going to walk you through things.’
I did as he said and held it in my hand. ‘Go get your passport and put it in your purse with your wallet and phone charger,’ he instructed me, and I went into Breton’s office and found Sarah Khan’s passport in the safe. Back in my room, I unplugged my charger from the wall and put it in my purse with my passport.
Drew was telling me about the events of the night up until now, how my mom called him and he was out with his crew at a bar for some end-of-week drinks.
‘Are you done yet?’ he asked me.
I was sitting back on my bed, holding my purse, which already had my wallet with Sarah Khan’s identification and bank cards and a few hundred pounds of cash for emergencies, such as this, I suppose.
‘Ok, now get your carry-on suitcase.’