‘So what do you say, do you think you can join me?’ he had asked me months ago over the phone.

‘I don't think so, it’s not that easy for me to just pick up and travel.’

‘Is it a passport thing?’ he asked me, digging for more information. He still didn't know where I was but knew that Breton had seen me somewhat recently. ‘Does that mean you’re still in America?’

I rolled my eyes, but he couldn't see me. ‘It doesn’t matter where I am, it’s just not safe for me to be seen with anyone that I know.’

It wasn’t a lie. Even when Breton and I went out, I often wore a disguise; not that I was recognizable, I looked completely different now.

This past weekend while Drew’d been in Manchester, I was brooding the entire time. He was only a few hours away, and I wanted nothing more than to go to him, to spend time with him. But I also didn't want to be selfish, I wanted him to enjoy his weekend with his best friends.

I knew he was planning on being in London for two days before flying home, and I had every intention of being selfish then. It started with the train ride this morning. Knowing he would be done with the wedding and he’d be alone, I took full advantage of this. I didn’t want to waste any time away from him. I hated that I made him go to dinner, but otherwise it would have been rude for me to just show up.

From the moment Breton gave me the go-ahead and filled me in on some details, I started planning it. I wasn't sure if it had been luck that Breton would still be away tonight, but I was thankful regardless.

I was sluggish at the gym, thinking of Drew with his friends, and I was also tired as it was impossible to sleep the last night. Last week I spent days looking for the right dress, I had my hair blown out, my legs and lady parts lasered, nails done, and like all the best-laid plans to get laid, my period started this morning. I nearly cried when I saw it. Since losing my weight, it had been pretty sporadic, and with not being sexually active in the least, I wasn’t on birth control at the moment, so there was no predicting it. With my upcoming surgery to remove my implants, I had also been advised against oral contraceptives.

I tried to sleep on the train from London to Manchester but excitement won out. It was hard enough to just sit , let alone get some shut-eye.

Breton had told me what time Drew had booked his ticket for, and I planned accordingly.

As everyone got off the train in Manchester, I took my compact out of my purse, looked at myself and was pleased with what saw. I hoped Drew would be too.

I carried my purse, but left my jacket and umbrella, as the platform was covered from the elements outside. As I exited the train, I was both nervous and excited to see Drew for the first time in over a year.

The entire ride home we chatted and there was no lack of physical contact between us, which was why pushing him out of my apartment to go see his friends had been painful to do.

It had been an extremely emotional day. I had anxiety about seeing him again for the first time. Over the phone and through text messages, it was like we’d never been apart. Our communication was on point, but I was worried that our physical chemistry might have somehow been lost or tainted by the time he’d spent thinking that I was dead.

Could I compare to any of the girls he’d been with, and what was he going to think of my new look? He clearly didn’t mind my curves before and had told me that he preferred a woman with real curves. I’d gone a bit extreme with my weight loss, but I had done it for myself, for my health and not for him. I was hoping that he would like the new me just as much, if not more than the old me.

I was excited for a night out with Drew and his friends, and getting ready to go out had been a fun experience for once.

I put on my violet lace short shorts and paired it with a loose shimmery gold tank top and an ivory bra with thick lace straps that crossed in the back. I curled my hair in loose waves and wore a pair of nude heels, that were surprisingly not that uncomfortable.

I took a taxi right from the apartment to the front of the bar where Drew already was with his friends. Standing at the bar, I watched him interact with the guys at the table they occupied for a few stolen moments. These were his friends he went to university with. He looked relaxed and happy drinking a beer while catching up. I ordered myself a bottle of water and a whiskey on the rocks.

He must have felt my eyes on him, because he looked up at me, a big smile on his face. I couldn't resist his pull any longer as I walked over to him.

‘There she is,’ he stood up and took me into his arms as soon as I was within arm’s reach.

‘Wow, someone's punching above his weight class,’ one of the guys commented looking at me.

‘Hey now, watch your mouth,’ Drew warned in a serious tone, warning his friend to back off and play nice.

I waved at them, taking the seat that Drew had just been sitting at. ‘This is…’ he looked down at me.

I laughed, ‘I’m his girlfriend, Jessica.’ I introduced myself with a name that was close enough to my real one, without actually using my real name. I figured I couldn't use Sarah, as I was hoping to continue to have these guys in our lives in the future.

I was introduced to Nigel, who told me his wife was at home with their baby, and the other two guys were Chad and Tom.

‘Nice to meet you,’ I said, taking a sip of my whiskey.

I sat with them, quiet for a while until another one of his friends, Archie, and his fiancée joined us, drawing attention to our table from the entire bar.

‘Drew,’ a guy yelled out as he approached our table. ‘Look who’s returned from the dead, about time you show your face around here, man.’

My stomach dropped, and Drew looked to me, and then back to his friend.