“Then talk to me. It helps to calm me when I hear you talk.”

“I’ll remember that, baby.”

She licked her lips and waited. The bed dipped under his weight. He placed something beside her hip. Pussy opened her thighs. She went to close her thighs but stopped herself.

He needs to get to you.

“Good girl,” he said.

“I’m not used to this.”

“It’s okay. I don’t expect you to be used to this. You’re innocent.” Pussy’s palm landed on the inside of her thigh. “I’m going to start trimming in a second. I’ve got a towel here. Lift your ass up,” he said.

She lifted her ass up, and when he placed a palm on her stomach, pushing her back down, she relaxed. The towel was soft underneath her ass.

“This is the strangest thing I’ve ever done.”

“I’ve never done this before. This is a new experience for the pair of us,” he said.

“If you’ve never done this before, should I trust you near me?”

He chuckled. “This is going to take some getting used to.”


“Talking all the way through what I’m doing.”

“Do you want me to shut up?” she asked.

“No, I actually like to hear you talking.Strange, huh?I’m used to hating a woman talk.”

She let out a growl. “You’re going to drive me insane with your sexist talk.”

“Not being sexist. I just know what I like a woman’s lips to do, and it has nothing to do with talking.”

Heat filled her cheeks. She could only imagine what was on his mind. Yes, Pussy would like his women to do a whole load of other things rather than talk.

“How long have you been part of Chaos Bleeds?” she asked.

“Over ten years. I joined at a young age, and I’ve been a full member around the same length of time,” he said.

“Do you have any family?”

“The club is my family.”

She heard the scissors and felt the small tugs on the hair covering her pussy. Trying not to be embarrassed was the hardest thing she’d ever done.

“What made you settle down?” she asked.

“There’s a club up in Fort Wills. They’ve stayed in the same place for a lifetime and only go on the road when the need requires. They’re strong and happy. We’re all getting older, and moving from one state to another within a week has lost its appeal.” He continued to work on her pubic hair as he spoke. She loved the way he talked. The deep rough tones of his voice made her melt. He had to see that she was turned on by what he was saying.

“Do you still ride?”

“Yes, I still ride. I’ve not got the need to change my location anymore. I’ve got nothing to hide.”

She nodded. “I liked being on the back of your bike. It was fun.”

“It’s even better when you’re not wearing a helmet.”