The hope died as instantly as it sparked. “No, I can’t.”

“Your stepfather’s not here. He causes you shit, I’ll deal with him. Do you want to go with me or not?”


“Can I ride with you? I can’t see.”

“You can hold onto me, baby. I’ll keep you safe. Do you want to live a little?”

She reached out, gripping his arm. “Please, take me with you.”

He held her hand, and she climbed out of the booth. Pussy didn’t let go of her hand, which she was thankful for. She didn’t know if she’d make it outside without passing out or looking like an idiot. He took his time to lead her to the door. She counted the steps from the booth to the door. Outside, the sound of the busy town caught her unawares. She stumbled against Pussy’s back. He banded an arm around her waist.

“Don’t you worry about a thing, baby. I’ve got you.”

She liked being pressed against him. He held onto her, and together they walked down the street. Sasha imagined people staring at them, wondering what the hell she was doing with him. She didn’t care what they all thought. In her mind, Pussy was a sexy man, a sinfully sexy man.

“Right, we’re at my bike. I’ve got a helmet for you to wear. I’m going to place it over your head. I’ll be gentle, okay?”


Standing perfectly still, she waited for him to place the helmet over her head. He secured the buckle underneath her chin.

“There, it’s pretty solid.” He took hold of her hand. “Keep your hand on my shoulder. You’ve got to trust me, and you’ll get on my bike without a hitch, okay?”

“Okay.” Gripping his shoulder, she couldn’t help but notice how thick his shoulders were. The guy was huge. He moved forward, and she went on her toes to keep hold of him.

“Now, cock your leg over. When you feel your cunt on the seat, settle in,” he said.


Had she heard him correctly? Heat went straight between her thighs at his words. No, surely she’d been imagining things. There was no way he would say stuff like that.

“You heard me. Don’t expect nice words from me. I call it like I see it. I can promise you, you’ll be safe with me. I’m not interested in hurting women.”

Unlike Kenneth, her stepfather.Did he know about Kenneth or even suspect the other man of being a total bastard?

Flinging her leg over the side of the bike, she settled into the seat, feeling happy to have achieved something without looking stupid.

“Hold onto me tightly.”

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she held on as tightly as she could. “Is this okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, baby. It’s all fine to me.”

The engine purred to life. Resting her face against his back, excitement filled every part of her core. Smiling, she let out a squeal as he pulled away from where he was parked. She kept her eyes closed, holding on tightly to Pussy as he drove the bike. Sasha didn’t have a clue who he was or even if she could trust him, but she did.

He hadn’t hurt her yet.

He’s not going to hurt you.

She didn’t get the vibe from him that she did from Kenneth. If he wanted to hurt her, he could have already. Instead, he’d made her feel more independent and kissed her in the few times they’d been together. She was losing her mind when it came to this man. Keeping her arms around him, she was aware of how hard and muscular he was.

Sasha didn’t have a clue where they were going, and she didn’t care.

Time passed, and for the first time since her blindness, Sasha felt free, happy.

The sun beat down on them. Kenneth would lose his mind when he found her gone.