“Yeah, only because you’re not seeing the shit you’re eating. Take the food away, now. Go and have a fucking drink. It’s all you’re good for.” The fork was tugged out of her grip. Her mother’s hand shook. Sasha felt it from the small contact she had with her. She wanted to reach out and shake her mother, to wake her up to the monster he was. The door to her room was closed. She wasn’t an idiot. Kenneth was still in the room waiting to have his say.

“What?” she asked, resting her hands in her lap to try to calm hernerves.Since the first attack, Kenneth only ever hurt by gripping her too tightly or giving her a slap from time to time. He’d not lashed out as much. She figured it was down to fear as he’d given off the persona of being the concerned stepfather. Anything happened to her now and things would look suspicious.

“Be careful how you talk to me, girl.”

She tensed up, sinking her nails into her skin.

“We’ve got to go out tomorrow. I’ll be dropping you off at the library.”

“I could stay home.”

“I don’t want you to stay home. We need to be seen. After tonight your mother will be useless. She’ll be swigging from the bottle as we speak.”

Closing her eyes, she tried to shut out his words. She hated him. The anger at what he’d done to her mother was still raw. He’d turned her into some kind of suburban housewife for him to toy with whenever he felt like it. Sasha despised him and hoped he died a long, slow death.

“You’ll do tomorrow. The town will see how well you’re doing, and then I can get to my meeting.”

“Who are you meeting?” she asked.

“None of your business.Play your part, and I won’t let anything bad happen to your mother or you.”

Pausing, Sasha turned her head in the direction of his voice, opening her eyes even though she couldn’t see.


“You heard me. I’ve got ways of making people disappear. Think about that the next time one of the Chaos Bleeds scum comes near you.”

The door to her room closed behind her. Who the fuck was Kenneth Carmichael, and how could he get rid of her mother? She didn’t have the time to think about it. For now she’d do exactly as he said without causing any waves. Sasha wouldn’t let anything happen to her mother, if she could help it.

Chapter Two

The night spent with Mia and Curse hadn’t been a total waste. Pussy rode behind them as they all headed toward the clubhouse. Mia had taken a bath, brushed her hair, and changed her clothes. She’d not smelled that bad, but it hadn’t been pretty, or at least it hadn’t been to him.

Pulling into the clubhouse parking lot, he saw Devil picking up his daughter and son as Lexie walked alongside him into the main house.

“What’s going on?” Pussy asked, climbing off his bike. He never wore a helmet if he could help it. The point of being on the road was to feel the wind in his hair, across his face. The helmet would stop that. Pussy would do a lot of things for the club, but wearing a helmet wasn’t one of them.

“Nothing.I’d feel happier if my family was close by me.” Devil shook his head as he walked into the clubhouse. The whole story would come out soon.

“Devil, baby, you don’t need to worry,” Lexie said, taking her daughter out of Devil’s arms.

“I’m not worrying, but I’m not having you in harm’s way, either. You and the kids mean too fucking much to me. Speaking of kids, I’ve ordered Judi and Ripper home as well. They’re packing their shit up. Vincent and Phoebe will be back at the clubhouse soon as well.” Devil didn’t lose his stride, talking as he escorted his family inside. Pussy kept up with them wondering what the hell had happened.

“That will make it a full house, Devil. You can’t expect the men to put up with the kids.”

“Tiny does it with his club. They can’t hack this life,thenthey’re out. It’s as simple as that.”

They all went silent, entering the clubhouse together. Devil stopped and covered his son’s eyes then started cursing. Glancing around, Pussy saw the problem. First, for him, was the mess, and then he caught sight of the naked women and club members, along with all the alcohol on display.

“Fuckers, get your shit out of the main hall. Until further notice, sex is done in the confines of your own fucking room. You don’t have a room,thenget out. I’m not in the mood to be ordering this shit around.”Devil shoved one naked man off the table.

Pussy didn’t recognize him, so he must have been a hanger on.

“Devil, this is the clubhouse. They can be here like this,” Lexie said.

“I’ve got to make a call to Tiny.” Devil turned, looking at Pussy. “Take my woman and kids and get them settled. I don’t want to worry about her safety for the next five minutes.”

Taking Edward from Devil’s arms, Pussy nodded. “On it, boss.”