“They’re at the rehab center. Someone tried to whack them. They killed the guy and called me the moment it was done,” Devil said.

Pussy breathed out a sigh of relief.

“Gonzalez has taken one of our own from us. He killed Ashley, and he killed Jerry in front of us. He thinks he’s better than us. It’s time to show him how fucking little he actually is.”

Nodding, Pussy was ready. He was more than ready.

“Tomorrow, we’re riding out, and we’re going to start a fucking war with this asshole.” Devil looked at all of them. “Tonight, you go to your woman. You make love toher,you fuck her, because tomorrow, we may not be coming home.”

The war had just begun, and Pussy couldn’t wait to take his vengeance on the bastard who’d put them in this position.


“How can you stand these private meetings?” Sasha asked.

Lexie sat on the bed with her two children sleeping beside her. When she entered, Lexie helped her to dress, making little Simon stare at the wall.

“You learn not to care about what they’re doing.”

Sasha heard the fear in Lexie’s voice.

“What’s going on?”

“If you can’t stand them having meetings like this, then you’re not going to like what I’ve got to say.”

“Please, tell me. I don’t like being kept in the dark. I’ve got enough darkness already.”

Lexie sighed. “Devil is a strong man. He’s a force to be reckoned with.” She stopped for a moment. “He’ll kill whoever poses a threat. This guy, this Gonzalez guy, came in, and it broke the club a little. My man’s been fighting to get himself back.”

“Has he?”

“The brick that was thrown at me, it has woken him up. Devil’s going to pick a fight, and I don’t know if he intends to come home alive,” Lexie said.

The door opened. “Devil’s waiting for you, Lex,” Pussy said.

“Can you help me with the kids, Pussy? I’ve not got the energy to move them.”


Sasha listened to them moving around, wishing she could help. She stayed on the bed until Pussy returned.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Devil’s taking the fight to Gonzalez. We’re heading out tomorrow. You’re going to stay here until I get back.” He joined her on the bed.

She felt his body was naked beside her.

“What about my mom?”

“Everything is fine. She checked into the clinic. Death and Curse are going to stay there to make sure everything is safe before they return home.”

“They’re in danger?”

“Some people want us dead, and we don’t want to end up dead. We’re going to try to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

She lay down on his arm, curling against him. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”

“I won’t let it.”