“Who thefuck areyou?” Devil asked, shouting the words. He was removing his jacket as he walked.

“Me? I’m the guy who can shut you the fuck down. I want Sasha, and I want her now. I know you filthy fuckers have her.” Kenneth no longer looked like a respectable man. He looked like the evil fucker he was.

An expensive looking car was parked outside the gate. A pretty looking woman was swigging from a bottle of vodka as she looked at Kenneth. She had to be Sasha’s mother. The woman looked scared stiff of this man, but Pussy saw how pretty she was. Both women had been trapped because of Kenneth.

“You think throwing bricks at my fucking clubhouse, at my fucking wife, is going to get you what you want?” Devil asked.

Pussy was waiting for any reason to take this fucker out. He was tired of being ordered around and fucked over. This man had hurt Sasha. He’d blinded her, used her, and now it was time for him to pay the price.

“I don’t give a fuck. Give me back my daughter now,” Kenneth said.

“Your daughter is unharmed, but my wife isn’t.” Devil stepped right up to the man. He was a good foot taller than Kenneth and wider.

Pussy saw a flash of fear in Kenneth’s eyes, but he didn’t back down.

“Give me back my daughter.”

“I want an apology for my wife.” Devil spat the words at the other man.“Now.”

“I’m not apologizing to your wife.”

The moment was interrupted as another car pulled up outside of the clubhouse. Pussy saw Frederick Gonzalez get out of the back along with Ronald and Homer, his two cronies. One of them had killed Ashley. In his mind, he saw her severed head.

“Devil, I’d back down if I was you.”

Frederick approached, buttoning up his jacket. He gave off the air of being in control.

These fuckers are going to die.

“He hurt my woman.”

“She’s not dead, is she?” Frederick asked. Devil gritted his teeth but remained silent. “Excellent. Then you don’t touch Kenneth. He’s a friend of mine, and I don’t let my friends get hurt.”

“Ashley was your friend,” Pussy said, tensing ready to fight.

“No, Ashley was a woman given to me to fuck. She passed her sell by date.”

“You fucker,” Mia said, yelling. None of them had seen the women come out. Mia rushed past them all before they had time to react. She landed a blow to Frederick’s chest. Curse tugged her off.“You evil fucking bastard.She didn’t deserve to die. Ashley was a sweet woman. You’re a fucking monster who deserves to die.” She fought Curse to try to get to Gonzalez. Her sobs could be heard throughout the clubhouse.

What were they doing working for this fucker?

“I’ll take care of it,” Curse said. He was whispering to his woman over and over. Lexie joined her man, glaring at Kenneth.

“I’m fine, baby,” she said.

Blood was dripping from a cut on the side of her head, an instant bruise forming.

“I suggest you keep your women in check, Devil. They’re getting a little too feisty for my liking.” Frederick ran a hand down his creased suit. “I didn’t kill her. I’ve got people to do it.”

Pussy saw the smirk on Homer’s face. He tensed up and charged at the other man. Tackling him to the ground, he slammed Homer’s head against the tarmac. “You fucking killed her?”

He didn’t give Homer chance to say anything as he perched over him, landing blow after blow against the man.

Devil grabbed his arm and tugged him off the man. “Back away.”

“He killed fucking Ashley.” He needed to avenge his friend. Ashley had been his best friend. He saw her smiling in his mind. They’dtakenthat away from her, and Pussy was never going to get that back.

“Sasha is out in the open. I need you to hold your shit together,” Devil said.