“I tell you, he talks to me like that again and he can suck his own cock,” Lexie said.

Sasha recognized the woman’s voice and couldn’t help but smile at what she said.

“You do that, Lex. You get him to suck his own cock and film it. It’ll be awesome for us little people to see,” Pussy said, his teasing back in place.

“Shut up, Pussy. You’re going to give him a heart attack with the way you’re acting,” she said. “Hey, I’m Lexie.”

Lexie touched her arm. Pushing her hand out, Sasha gingerly shook the other woman’s hand. “I’m Sasha. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Will you take care of her while we’re in a meeting?” Pussy said.

“Sure thing.I won’t cause any problems if I was you,” Lexie said.

“I never cause any problems.” The hand on her shoulder tightened. “I’ll be back in no time, babe. Lex will take care of you. She takes care of everyone.”

He kissed her temple then left the room. Letting out a breath, she noticed Lexie hadn’t released her hand.

“Come on, sweetie. We’re not going to bite or hurt you.” She tugged on her hand, and Sasha followed her. “Here, there’s a seat.”

Perching on the seat, she tried to think of who was in the room.

“I’m Phoebe, honey. I’m married to Vincent. He runs the strip club in town.”

Sasha nodded, noticing her slightly deeper voice.

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said.

Running her hands down her thighs, she wondered what they thought of her.

“I’m Judi.” A woman touched her palm. “It’s nice to see Pussy fighting for someone again. Ever since Ashley died, he’s been a little dead inside.”

A sob filled the room.

“That’s Mia. She was best friends with Ashley,” Judi said.

“I’m sorry. Her death is still raw,” Mia said. “I’m with Curse. So, you’re Pussy’s woman.”

“Yes. I mean, I think I’m his woman. He won’t let me return to my parents’ house or at least my mother. It’s a little messed up.” She stopped speaking.

“You can talk all you want here, honey. We’re not going to hold it against you. When I’m alone with Devil tonight I’m going to crush his balls for the way he talked to me,” Lexie said.

Sasha chuckled. “He didn’t sound very nice.”

“He’s a wonderful man. Shit’s happening right now that he can’tcontrol,and it pisses him off.”

“I know what that’s like.”

The women murmured their agreement. Feeling like they understood her, Sasha started to relax. They wouldn’t hurt her. She was safe in the clubhouse with these women.

“Besides, I can’t hurt him too much. I love sex as much as he does. I’d ruin any chance of getting any myself,” Lexie said.

Sasha burst out laughing, loving the woman more. Her voice sounded calm and soothing.

“You evil little shits.Give me back my daughter.”

Frowning, Sasha jerked at the sound. It was Kenneth.

The sound of glass shattering and a groan followed.